On 9/27/23 15:16, David Hedlund wrote:

On 9/27/23 13:21, David Hedlund wrote:

On 9/27/23 00:33, Emanuel Berg wrote:
David Hedlund wrote:

Thank you, but none of the solutions worked in Trisquel 11
$ wmctrl -r :ACTIVE: -b toggle,maximized_horz,maximized_vert

To always set, use 'add' instead of 'toggle'. To always unset,
use 'remove'.

Thank you, this is exactly what I want! It expands the window quickly (like emacs -mm) from the terminal.

* This works from the terminal with an open emacs Window: $ wmctrl -i -r "0x06400142" -b toggle,maximized_vert,maximized_horz

* However     shell-command "wmctrl... doesn't not run from ~/.emacs (tried it in a fresh Trisquel 11 installation from a virtual machine), the window size is opened in the default size:

Failed the settings suggested by Björn Bidar (as I mentioned earlier):

(defun switch-full-screen ()
       (shell-command "wmctrl -r :ACTIVE: -b toggle,fullscreen"))


Failed with the command that is working from the terminal (escaped double quotes, and made sure that the window is open and that the window ID is correct):

(defun switch-full-screen ()
       (shell-command "wmctrl -i -r \"0x06400142\" -b toggle,maximized_vert,maximized_horz"))



(defun switch-full-screen ()
       (shell-command "wmctrl -r :ACTIVE: -b toggle,maximized_horz,maximized_vert"))


Any idea why shell-command is not executed?

It also fails in Ubuntu MATE 23.04 (default window size):


sudo apt install -y emacs wmctrl # Just press Enter during the "Postfix Configuration"

tee ~/.emacs > /dev/null << 'EOF'

(defun switch-full-screen ()
       (shell-command "wmctrl -r :ACTIVE: -b toggle,fullscreen"))




Ubuntu 22.04 (Wayland) cannot use wmctrl like Trisquel 11 (X11) and Ubuntu MATE 23.04 (X11) . For Ubuntu, my devilspie2 solution works, I'm sure there are other solutions. However, please, let's focus why wmctrl cannot be executed from init in Trisquel and Ubuntu MATE right now to avoid more confusion.