My total memory is 48GB*2 memory:


❯ free -h
               total        used        free      shared  buff/cache   available
Mem:            93Gi       6.8Gi        75Gi       2.8Gi        12Gi        83Gi
Swap:           95Gi       1.5Gi        94Gi


Thank you, I should decrease `mps_gen_param_s` to use less memory.

On 9/2/24 21:06, Eli Zaretskii wrote:
From: Eval Exec <>
Date: Mon, 2 Sep 2024 20:24:25 +0800

I'm helping to test scratch/igc branch on my local environment:
❯ uname -a
Linux Matrix 6.6.41 #1-NixOS SMP PREEMPT_DYNAMIC Thu Jul 18 11:21:27
UTC 2024 x86_64 GNU/Linux

I get the source code of scratch/igc, commit hash: 6682d0e6c96 .
And I append a new commit:
diff --git a/src/igc.c b/src/igc.c
index f069a2becc9..4d792da75c8 100644
--- a/src/igc.c
+++ b/src/igc.c
@@ -4459,7 +4459,7 @@ make_arena (struct igc *gc)
   MPS_ARGS_END (args);
   IGC_CHECK_RES (res);

-  mps_gen_param_s gens[] = { { 128000, 0.8 }, { 5 * 128000, 0.4 } };
+  mps_gen_param_s gens[] = { { 128000000, 0.8 }, { 5 * 128000000, 0.4 } };
   res = mps_chain_create (&gc->chain, gc->arena, ARRAYELTS (gens), gens);
   IGC_CHECK_RES (res);
AFAIU, the above requests MPS to create a generation chain whose
capacity is 128GB.  How much memory do you have on that system?