4 nov 2011 kl. 23:47 skrev Scott Jaderholm:

 GNU Emacs (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, GTK+ Version 2.20.1) of 2011-11-03 on lychee, modified by Debian

Gtk theme is Murrine Brave Dark.

I modified these lines in gtkrc

    GtkRange       ::slider-width        = 10 # Scrollbar width.
    GtkRange       ::stepper-size        = 0 # Stepper height.

This is what the scrollbars look like in most other apps:


(though Gedit and Gvim both display them wrong)

This is what they look like in Emacs by default:


Note that the slider is the right width, it's just the trough that is wrong.

If I use (add-to-list 'default-frame-alist '(scroll-bar-width . 10)) then they look correct:


I've seen this in other themes that I haven't modified myself.

When I modify Murrine Brave Dark as described above, I do get smaller scroll bars in Emacs.  The scroll bars in gnome-terminal and Emacs look exactly the same.  But this also depends on font size.  Emacs pads the scroll bar to a multiple of the font size.  That is because if you do a C-x 3 there is nothing to take up the slack if the scroll bar is different from the character width.

I don't think there is a bug here. This is a known limitation in Emacs, and so far there has been no work into remove it.

Jan D.