Hi: I just attached an extremely simple (intested) attempt to make cedet use Project.el.. Maybe Dmitry or someone with more experience may complete this and extend it when possible? Best, Ergus On Mon, May 16, 2022 at 01:46:43PM +0200, Ergus wrote: >Hi: > >Recently working in the gtags-mode package I thought to add a backend >for ede/cedet... but I have found that most of the ede features overlap >or coincide with ones in project.el. > >So my question is: Isn't it easier to add a backend in locate.el to make >ede use project as one ede-locate-setup-options? > >I am not sure about how useful is ede or cedet these days as they seem >to be a bit unmaintained, but IMHO, if we don't want to remove them (for >some reason) but still keep project.el as the preferred way to go, then >maybe cedet should use the project.el functions by default. > >The basic implementation seems to need only: > >initialize-instance >ede-locate-ok-in-project >ede-locate-file-in-project-impl >ede-locate-create/update-root-database > >Implementing all these may be extremely simple but not sure if it worth >the effort. > >What do you suggest? > >Best, >Ergus >