On Mon, Nov 08, 2021 at 06:32:41PM +0000, Drew Adams wrote: > Thanks for replying, Tomas. > > > > I got no response to my question of how to tell > > > whether `mouse-1' is still pressed during a click. > > > > [...] > > > > I read twice through your text and I'm still trying > > to wrap my head around the gist of it. > > Sorry for any confusion or difficulty. Come on. No need to apologise. > I can't tell if you mean that you had difficulty with > (1) the original post, asking how to tell when mouse-1 > is pressed (the text you quoted) or with (2) my last > message (with changed Subject), which is what you > replied to. Or perhaps you had difficulty with both? The direct ref would be (2), but my confusion is so diffuse that I'd take everything with its grain of salt :) > > My feeling (it mitght be totally wrong [...]) [...] > The problem I described is only with the implementation > of predicate `use-region-p'. Its (minor) failing is > only with a corner case: returning true between mouse-1 > down and up events during a click action (down & up at > the same place). Oh, I think I get it now. So I did the following experiment: (setq my-timer (run-with-timer 0 0.05 (lambda() (message "%s REG=%s" (current-time-string) (use-region-p))))) The antidote is: (cancel-timer my-timer) ...I keep it around in the same buffer. Now while the above is running, when I click with mouse-1, REG says "nil" /until/ I move the mouse far enough that the region is at least one char wide: then REG says t. If I go back to the starting point (while keeping mouse-1 down all the time), REG says nil again. I'm not a heavy mouse user (TBH, I'm a reluctant mouse user), but the above behaviour looks reasonable to me. > Event `down-mouse-1' (button-down) activates the region, [...] This doesn't happen for me. I've to drag the mouse a bit for the region to become active (a bit: one char width, as far as I can discern). FWIW, that's "my" Emacs: This is GNU Emacs, one component of the GNU/Linux operating system. GNU Emacs 28.0.50 (build 1, x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, GTK+ Version 2.24.32, cairo version 1.16.0) of 2021-09-30 I haven't tried with -Q, but I would, if you think that might shed more light on the topic. > and event `mouse-1' (button-up) either (1) leaves it > activated, if the positions of down & up differ, or (2) > deactivates it, if those positions are the same. (See > function `mouse-drag-track' for details.) I think we're seeing different things, so there might still be a gap between what I think I've understood and what I've actually understood :) Cheers - t