On Sat, Sep 19, 2020 at 01:59:18PM +0000, Gregory Heytings wrote: Hi Stefan and Gregory: Here it is so far my last patch about vertical only feature. Please feel free to correct it. I removed the format variable and now to get vertical we only need to add at least a \n to the separator. With the simple cases I tested it works. Stefan: As you requested for a single feature I will remove the remote branch again and push one only with this commit. Gregory: I took the freedom to add one condition from your code and added it to mine. (The one for empty candidates) I didn't do this before because I was keeping the first candidate in the same line so it made sense to keep the empty one. So after all I will condition this condition in a future too; when I add options to remove/change the [] and (). The other one (prospects-max (- icomplete--prospects-available-height (/ (point) (window-width)))) I think is good for continuation lines, but I am not sure if that's better than truncate line and horizontally scroll because in that case the proposed candidates will be very long as well and continuing them will reduce their number to the half too. (I took ivy as a pattern for this) So I will wait for other users' suggestions about what they prefer OR take this condition conditionally in case the user explicitly disables the lines truncation. Best, Ergus