On Tue, Sep 15, 2020 at 08:45:56PM +0000, Gregory Heytings wrote: > > > > >This is exactly the point I was putting in question: My take is > >that popularity is part of a giant feedback loop [...] > This is not clear at all IMO. When users choose to use VS Code or > Atom or Emacs or ..., they choose between a number of free (as in > beer) products. In such cases [1] I tend to think that marketing plays > little if any role, and that it's the quality of the product that > matters. More precisely, not the absolute quality, but the quality > for newcomers. As Chad wrote: "it's much easier/more intuitive to > get started" or "it's quick/easy/obvious how to get it to 'it > just-works'". [1] But "such cases" are the exception. When I worked at a bigger company, I /had/ to use (to me) horrible software. After a while, most people got used to it and enjoyed their Stockholm syndrome. I seem to be somewhat stubborn (which didn't make my life easier, mind you). [...] > IMO, it's pointless to discuss whether Emacs should be changed, or > how potential changes should be judged. In fact I don't understand > why such discussions/debates take place [...] No, no. I think such debates are important, to help shape Emacs's evolution. > flexible of all available editors, and can be adapted to all > imaginable needs. > > So the only thing that should change in Emacs is that it should be > made easier (even more: as easy as possible) to customize and > understand for newcomers. In this we agree. Cheers - t