On Sun, Sep 13, 2020 at 02:15:55PM +0200, Arthur Miller wrote: > tomas@tuxteam.de writes: [...] > > Perhaps with something mushy and fishy in-between > Please keep it vegan! But then, non-vegan users will protest! > > The table TEC posted [...] > Money certainly plays role when it comes to making software; paid devs = > more development; ...and thus mindshare > but I wouldn't say VS (Studion or Code) are that > popular just because MS is behind. It's the mindshare effect I'm hinting at: if you are using X at work (because you must: someone else has made that choice for you), you'll tend to use X privately, since you already invested in learning it. Perhaps you even don't notice how much you invested (a kind of Stockholm syndrome), because you did that "on pay". Comparing "that ease of learning" to any other has to result in a slanted playing field. > They are out for user data [...] I think that's only part of it. Dependency is key. I've watched people trying to change their search engine. Cheers - t