> Can someone indicate the place where such descriptions are hosted ? MELPA derives the metadata both from a recipe file [1] and from the package header [2]. In this case the package header appears to be at fault as it mentions the wrong URL. The flow for contributions to GitLab-hosted repositories is signing up, forking the repository, creating a new branch and commit fixing the issue, pushing it, then submitting a "Merge Request" for the maintainer to review. However I'd consider to just submit an issue or if you cannot be bothered, sending them an email. Vasilij [1]: https://github.com/melpa/melpa/blob/master/recipes/hercules [2]: https://gitlab.com/jjzmajic/hercules.el/-/blob/557da39878d0637395fdded91243b340c37eff7b/hercules.el#L5-10