One small annoyance I’ve had with developing Emacs is that the helpers for filling in the changelog entries don’t work with Objective C methods. I’ve tried writing a patch to make it work. For reference, an Objective C class looks something like: @implementation ClassName - (int)doSomething { /* do that something */ return 1; } - (void)doSomethingTo: (SomeClass *)object with: (int)someParam { return; } @end And I think the methods’ names should be written something like: -[ClassName doSomething] -[ClassName doSomethingTo:with:] The ‘-’ means it’s an instance method and a ‘+’ would mean it was a class method. It appears to work for me, but I’m not great at Emacs lisp so I thought it best to run this by the mailing list in case I’ve made any boneheaded errors. Thanks! -- Alan Third