On Sat Oct 1 2011 joakim@verona.se wrote: > Do you have a recipe to create and verify such a highlight? I could then > have a look if ImageMagick also supports this. See attached for an example djvu file. If you have djview installed, you should see that the sentence Do you have a recipe to create and verify such a highlight? is not only highlighted, but it also has a text annotation. I added these annotations with my djvu.el. But as I said, this is just a front end for the djvused command line tool that is doing the real work. For example >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $ djvused p1.djvu -e 'output-ant' select; remove-ant # ------------------------------------- select 'p1.djvu' set-ant (maparea "" "Use my package djvu.el." (rect 56 778 3364 84) (hilite #EEFF00) (opacity 50) (none)) (maparea "" "" (rect 56 3531 1184 146) (hilite #FF0070) (opacity 50) (none)) . <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< See the man page of djvused.