Dear Handa-san, The attached file is downloaded by me from the following URL: When I open it with latest Emacs Unicode CVS 2 version compiled by me, some characters in it is displayed as chaos codes, when I open it with gedit, the chaos codes will disappear. And I find the files original code scheme is GB18030, so I use the global file variable in the begin of the file: %% -*- coding: gb18030; -*- But this cann't solve the problem at all. Furthmore, inasmuch as the Emacs Unicode CVS has the capability of supporting GB18030 and GBK, so I think the the file variable such as: %% -*- coding: gb18030; -*- shouldn't be used, that is, the Emacs itself should do these things automatically. I think it can, because lisp it very powerful and intelligent. Do you think so? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Honyi Zhao (赵弘毅) <> Chinese Academy of Sciences gpg DSA: 0xD108493B fp: 5BFB CEAF DCE4 F461 F929 7D28 05B6 D6AE D108 493B ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 《征人怨》 作者:柳中庸 岁岁金河复玉关,朝朝马策与刀环。 三春白雪归青冢,万里黄河绕黑山。