On Wed, Sep 28, 2005 at 10:29:21AM +0200, LENNART BORGMAN wrote: > I have run into a problem with swedish national characters in an XHTML document. The header of the document is like this: > > > "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/loose.dtd"> > Hm. Note that the header says of itself that it's encoded in utf-8. I don't know whether it's relevant. > The swedish character ä looks like \344 in CVS Emacs (2005-09-23). If Emacs honors the header above, then this won't work: Octal 344 is an a-with-dieresis, but in iso 8859-1 encoding, not utf-8. > It looks ok in Internet Explorer, but not in Firefox. I'd say Firefox is right on this one ;-) Seriously: you can force the browser to assume an encoding, so what the browser shows depends on settings which may vary from time to time. On Firefox, it's under View -> Character Encoding. No idea about IE (and I'm glad not to know ;-). > Looking at the > file with Notepad also shows the swedish characters as expected. Notepad uses whatever encoding its font has; i guess an 8-bit fixed encoding. > I would be glad for some hints and pointers! I am using nxml-mode if > that matters here. You may try two things: changing the utf-8 in the header to iso-8859-1 or (better) insert your a-dieresis as an utf8-encoded char. Regards -- tomás