Hello, Based on the suggestion I had on implementing a emacs client/server in pure Elisp, I have come up with a working _Prototype_. The code needs lot of cleanup and I am sure can be improved a lot. This is my first shot at Elisp programming, I request you to kindly help. Some of the features: - Server is bound to localhost by default (for security issues) but can be changed - Server accepts a *secret* word which is then used to validate all client connections Ex: (emacsserver-start "secret") - Multiple servers supported in a single invocation of emacs (per session) but on different ports. - Client opens a connection on a running server with no authentication (may be a security risk) - To execute any expression on the server, the connection must be authenticated. Hence, internally, the first expr sent to server is the *secret* word as an argument to the client command dispatching function. Ex: (emacsserver-client '(find-file \"~/_emacs\") "secret") - The secret word is store in a hash in the server for the client process. With this, you can send multiple commands (some work needs to be done here) I am sending the Elisp file which is 7Kb. I request help and guidance to make this robust and acceptable. My apologies in advance for those who are not interested. with regards, dhruva ________________________________________ Dhruva Krishnamurthy Proud FSF member: #1935 http://schemer.fateback.com/