Oliver Scholz wrote: Well, not being a native speaker I am not aware of all of the connotations of the English word “page”. So I may have chosen it wrongly. (Don't you say “HTML page” in English, too?) I mean the current info format's  Which is the the English word you use for the structural equivalent of a printed's output page, i.e. the electronic text that is rendered on an application's screen canvas at a certain time? Sorry, I misunderstood "page break" as referring to the info command @page, which would clearly have made no sense in Info. I believe the info format's ^_ (in .info files) is normally referred to as a node boundary, since in this context ^L is a page boundary. I usually just write ^_, ^L or @page to leave no ambiguity. But essentially, I guess I just misunderstood you by jumping in a discussion I had not completely been following from the beginning. Sincerely, Luc.