May I chime in? Eli Zaretskii wrote: > it takes a long time for Emacs problems to be discovered and reported. A new Emacs release can take years to reach end users. We are routinely receiving bug reports about changes made two or more releases ago. If you are looking for a single most important reason why it takes so long to put out another pretest, it is this one: experience shows that it takes weeks if not months for enough people to try a pretest and report the problems they see. Emacs pretest release? Is that a thing for systems other than Microsoft Windows and Guix? — Unstable Debian comes with Emacs 26, Ubuntu gets Emacs from Debian. — Arch comes with version 26, AURʼs ‘emacs27’ is 27.0.60 — an outdated February snapshot [1]. — Unstable Nix, again, contain 26th Emacs. — Fedora provides only stable version of Emacs. — Homebrew — guess what? And even pretest releases for Windows do not seem to be mentioned in any way on . How users are supposed to get them? In other words, I am not much surprised of the lack of early bugreports. [1]