I use JetBrains Mono font in Emacs and in today build from master, the Org documents display a different ugly (in my opinion) font. See the fields #+language: #+options: toc:2 H:3 num:2 email:t #+include: #+begin_quote #+end_quote in test.org-emacs29-01oct2021.png attached. With the build I did a month ago *all* is rendered with the same font, just the color changes. See the attached test.org-emacs28-02sep2021.png. If this is not a bug, How can I restore the previous behavior? In my init file I have: (set-frame-font "JetBrains Mono-11" nil t) (setq default-frame-alist '( (width . 115) ; character (height . 49) ; lines ;;(fullscreen . fullheight) ;;(left . (- 0)); pixel ;;(top . (+ 0)); pixel (left . 840); pixel (top . 0); pixel (font . "JetBrains Mono-11") ; font )) Ciao, Angelo.