Hello, Would you be willing to add Prescient[1] and some of its related packages to NonGNU ELPA, as in the attached file? I am one of the maintainers of this package. The author of the package does not wish to assign copyright or require others to do so, so it cannot be added to GNU ELPA. Prescient is for sorting and filtering completion candidates. Its filtering is similar to the package Orderless and it sorts by a combination of the frequency and the recency of the candidates. These are the packages I am wondering if you would be willing to add: - `prescient`: The base package, which provides the sorting and filtering functions and a completion style - `company-prescient`: Use `prescient` sorting with Company - `corfu-prescient`: Use `prescient` sorting and filtering with Corfu - `vertico-prescient`: Use `prescient` sorting and filtering with Vertico All of these packages live in the same repository in the link below. When I tried testing the installation of `prescient`, it installed an older version of the file `prescient.el` than what is current in the repository. This was the version that received an update to the version number, but how does the system decide which is the most recent stable version of a file? I might need to increase the number to make it install a newer version. Thank you. [1]: https://github.com/radian-software/prescient.el