Hey Phil! I'd just like to report that I've downloaded and tested this updated installer on my "regular" Windows developer-machine. It worked as expected, and I'm glad to see most of my comments from last time you published an installer has been addressed :) Compared to the "old" way of getting Emacs up and running on Windows, this is a night and day difference. This actually feels "natively Windowsy", as opposed to that clunky "ZIP, UNZIP... Get more ZIPs, hope you UNZIP them the right place" Windows users were previously forced to endure. If you keep publishing these, this might be my new way to keep my Emacs updated on my Windows-machine! They -are- very convenient and with an installer like this, I believe the basic installation procedure should no longer be a road-block for Windows-users to try out Emacs. As such, this is a major milestone. There's still the issue about the lack code-signing, and Windows' GUI isn't getting any friendlier about that, but I guess that's a technicality we can leave for later, when there are no other issues to sort out. Ladies and gentlemen: I believe this man deserves some applause. Great work! -- Regards Jostein Kjønigsen jostein@kjonigsen.net 🍵 jostein@gmail.com https://jostein.kjonigsen.net On Thu, Mar 22, 2018, at 11:50 AM, Phillip Lord wrote: > > > Inspired by the upcoming release of Emacs-26 RC1, I've released some > snapshots windows builds for Emacs-27. > > https://alpha.gnu.org/gnu/emacs/pretest/windows/emacs-27/ > >