On Sun, Oct 18, 2015 at 2:30 PM, Dmitry Gutov <dgutov@yandex.ru> wrote:
Of course. But I'd suggest putting it into ELPA, if only because then Emacs 24 users would also be able to enjoy it.

I think it would be more practical to ship it together with json.el
(which is currently bundled with Emacs), because json-mode.el is
tightly coupled with it.

For instance, the prettification commands that json-mode.el borrows
from json.el don't work well in Emacs >25, because of bugs #16373,
#17133, and #21488.

There is the issue of another mode with the same name, though: https://github.com/joshwnj/json-mode It's also relatively simple, and it's distributed via MELPA. I've used it for .json files for a while. Maybe you could contact the author, and agree on a merge of some kind? I guess what's important is that Josh doesn't feel left out, and that the one resulting mode doesn't lose on features. If Josh doesn't have copyright assignment signed, you might have to re-implement a command or two yourself.

Good thinking, Dmitry, Josh should definitely be included in the
process. I've contacted him to hear what he thinks.

-- Simen