It is my pleasure to write you in respect of our organisation.
We are experts in the sale of raw materials and we export into Canada/America/Africa and some parts of Europe.
We are searching for reliable representatives who can help us establish a medium of getting to our customers in the Canada/America/Europe as well as legally recieving cash and all forms of payment on our behalf from them as our Representative.
Please if interested in transacting business in view of helping us,so our clients could be making payment to you being our representative, we will be very glad. Compensations will be given and other benefits. Contact us for more information, If this proposal is acceptable to you.Please get back to us, so that a remuneration can be worked out for your services as our representative in Canada/America/Europe as your location shall determine. For futher informations and enquiries, you could write back to:
Mr Karnavati Dyoung
Consultant. China Metallurgical Import & Export Henan Company (CMIEC HN) www.cmiec.com
karnavatidyoung101@yahoo.it   We anticipate your earliest response in this regard.
Mrs Clapp Paki
Secretary. China Metallurgical Import & Export Henan Company (CMIEC HN) www.cmiec.com

SOS Aldeas Infantiles. Ningún niño sin hogar.