From > Yes, I want to merge this fork to mainline, but I have one more work to do before that. > However, it is not essential for English users, so I'll publish to emacs-devel soon. If you’re thinking about this, > However, when you type e.g. C-x o, C-x goes through input methods and is handled by Emacs, and o is handled by input methods, so お appears as a preedit text. I have no idea. You can turn off input method before typing C-x o. I do, so no problem. The Emacs port on macOS does the same thing (albeit in Korean) — I don’t think that it’ll be a problem. How does the original port work? Does Emacs catch all of the keys and process it itself? I’ve always thought the keys go through the input system before Emacs can handle it — how did Emacs go around it before? 나의 iPhone에서 보냄 2020. 4. 26. 오후 4:57, Yuuki Harano 작성: > Hi, > > You may know, I ported emacs for pure Gtk3, especially for wayland native. > > > > I created a new window-system, pgtk, which doesn't use libX11 directly. > > What do you think? I want to merge to mainline. > -- > Yuuki Harano >