global power brokers, I think you called them. And suddenly weve got a few Waldheims of our own. Conklin nodded, frowning and looking down, his thoughts obviously racing. Nuy Dap Ranh, said Webb, barely above a whisper. At the sound of the Oriental words, Alexs eyes snapped back up at David. Thats the key, isnt it? continued Webb. Nuy Dap Ranh-Snake Lady. You remembered. Just this morning, replied Jason Bourne, his eyes cold. When Marie and the kids were airborne, the plane disappeared into the mists over Boston harbor and suddenly I was there. In another plane, in another time, the words crackling out of a radio through the static. Snake Lady, Snake Lady, abort. ... Snake Lady, do you read me? Abort! I responded by turning the damn thing off and looked around at the men in