> Also, are there any "unique" properties of the output that > causes this > bug? For example, does it use "\r" carriage returns to overwrite > the > last line, or does it use emojis, or anything like that? If > there's > something different from the norm, that could help narrow things > down. I've seen this most often after running Elixir scripts—that might just be availability bias because that's what I'm doing for work right now! There *is* some colored text in the output. AFAIK Elixir doesn't send "\r" to do anything tricky with the last line. I think I've seen this happen with other commands. I've noticed that the easiest way to rid myself of this behavior is to just it Ctrl-l when it arises. That resets something and it will work again for a while. Note: I just upgraded to 30.0.93, and I'll keep my eyes peeled to see if it resurfaces. Thanks for your help, attention, and patience. Happy holidays! -- Ashton Wiersdorf https://lambdaland.org/