VERSION: 022.007 [03/03/2020] CHANGELOG: - nsterm.m: Bug fix in `mc_ns_draw_window_cursor' relating to a situation where the `cursor_glyph` is NULL and the face_id is invalid. In such a situation, we now use the DEFAULT_FACE_ID. - Pursuant to the written request of Drew Adams on 01-27-2020 to change the name of the "crosshairs.el" Lisp file to something else, said file has been changed to the file name of "+-mode.el". - Miscellaneous tidying-up of code. VIDEOS: w32: ns: x11: SCREENSHOTS: SETUP: Step 1: git clone -b master git:// Step 2: In the new emacs folder, go back to an Emacs version from 07/14/2019: git reset --hard ac57c5093829ee09084c562bbbc1c412179be13d Step 3: From within the new emacs folder created in Step 1, apply the patch: git apply /path/to/the/patch.diff Step 4: ./ Step 5: ./configure ... [your custom options] Step 6: make Step 7: make install USAGE: - For a minimal working example of built-in fake cursors, type: M-x mc-test ;;; TURN ON FAKE CURSORS (buffer position, cursor-type, cursor color): (setq mc-conf '((1 "hbar" "magenta") (2 "bar" "purple") (3 "box" "#00FF00") (4 "hollow" "#0000FF") (5 ("hbar" 3) [1.0 0.0 1.0]) (6 ("bar" 3) [0.0 1.0 1.0]) (7 "framed" "OrangeRed"))) ;;; TURN OFF FAKE CURSORS: (setq mc-conf nil) - To try out both the crosshairs feature and the visible fill column indicator feature, type: M-x +-mode - To try out just the visible fill column indicator feature, type: M-x fc-mode - To try out built-in fake cursors with Magnar Sveen's multiple-cursors package, that package must be installed. If the multiple-cursors package is already installed, then just (require '+-mode) and `+-mode.el` will redefine a few of the multiple-cursors functions and set up a few keyboard shortcuts. If the multiple-cursors package by Magnar Sveen is not already installed, then here are two easy ways to install that package: Type: M-x mc-install OR, evaluate the following snippet: (progn (require 'package) (add-to-list 'package-archives '("melpa" . "") t) (package-initialize) (package-refresh-contents) (package-install 'multiple-cursors) (mc/built-in-cursors)) NOTES: - Our journey begins at the outset of `update_window' when `mc_update_window_dryrun' performs a `!draw_p` simulation to create a new cache of fake cursors that are stored in the `w->mc_matrix`. The cache of fake cursors from the previous redisplay is copied to a temporary `mc_matrix` under the name of `old_matrix`. `mc_update_text_area' (used for `!draw_p` / `draw_p` situations) calls `mc_draw_glyphs' (writes glyphs to the glass) followed by `mc_draw_row' (writes fake cursors to the glass immediately thereafter). At the tail end of `mc_update_window_dryrun', `mc_update_window_erase' compares the new `w->mc_matrix` with the `old_matrix` to determine which fake cursors are the same -- setting the `same_p` boolean struct member accordingly for each applicable fake cursor within the `w->mc_matrix`. All fake cursors in the `old_matrix` that are `!same_p` get erased at this juncture. [Fn 1.] After the dryrun is complete, `update_window' does the real thing -- `draw_p`. As to the `from_where` situations of SKIPPED, POST_CHANGED, UNCHANGED, and SET_CURSOR_TWO, `mc_helper' compares the incoming tentative fake cursor with the `w->mc_matrix` to see if it has previously been marked as `same_p` -- if it is `!same_p`, then the fake cursor is drawn and we `return`. Fake cursors that have a `cursor_type` of MC_LEFT_FRINGE_BITMAP or MC_RIGHT_FRINGE_BITMAP are always reset even if they are `same_p`. As to the `from_where` situations of SCRIBE_ONE, SCRIBE_TWO, SCRIBE_THREE, and NOWHERE, `mc_helper' always causes fake cursors to be drawn (because new glyphs were written to the glass, or the area to the right of the display line was cleared) and we `return`. . Fn. 1: Even though writing new glyphs to the glass (SCRIBE_ONE, SCRIBE_TWO, and SCRIBE_THREE) would erase fake cursors within those boundaries, it is still necessary to erase `!same_p` fake cursors prior thereto. This is because `scrolling_window' occurs before new glyphs are written and `rif->scroll_run_hook' may copy one or more rows to other areas of the glass. It is not worth the effort to programmatically track both the _copied_ fake cursors and the _original_ fake cursors from the previous redisplay cycle, whose glyphs may remain where they are in the current redisplay cycle because they satisfy the `GLYPH_EQUAL_P' test. - The rest of our journey takes place wherever `draw_glyphs' would ordinarily be called, excluding `update_text_area'. If features 17684/22873 are active, `mc_redraw_row' calls `mc_draw_glyphs' (writes glyphs to the glass) and fake cursors are written to the glass immediately thereafter (if the coordinates coincide with prerecorded data in the `w->mc_matrix`). The functions containing the aforementioned calls are: . `gui_insert_glyphs' . `gui_fix_overlapping_area' . `draw_row_with_mouse_face' . `expose_area' . `expose_line' . `redraw_overlapped_rows' [which has been incorporated into `update_window'] - As to `mc_scrolling_window', it would appear that there is no tangible benefit to rotating the current/prospective cache of fake cursors to compare the data before removing the fake cursors. When scrolling the display, only _some_ lines are copied to new locations. Areas that are not overwritten may have fake cursors and those may not necessarily be removed if desired/current matrix glyphs are equal. The test for `GLYPH_EQUAL_P' does not take into consideration the existence of a fake cursor, and the glyph (with a fake cursor) may not be updated as a result thereof. As to lines that are not copied, portions may be updated and fake cursors would be removed thereby. `mc_rotate_matrix' and `mc_reverse_vpos' were removed with patch v. 022.002. - NS: As of 09/28/2018 (7946445962372c4255180af45cb7c857f1b0b5fa), the NS port no longer does anything useful during `update_window' except mark dirty rectangles. All drawing is now done when the MacOS calls `drawRect', which in turn calls `expose_frame'. This was done to add support for MacOS Mojave .... TODO: - When an idle-timer fires and point is at the end of a horizontally scrolled line in a narrow window, the temporary horizontal scroll is canceled. Create a minimal working example and file a bug report. (progn (defun test () (interactive) (let ((ov (make-overlay (point) (1+ (point)) nil t t))) (overlay-put ov 'face '(:foreground "red")))) (global-set-key [f5] 'test) (split-window-horizontally) (switch-to-buffer (get-buffer-create "foo")) (setq bidi-display-reordering nil) (setq-local auto-hscroll-mode 'current-line) (dotimes (i 80) (insert (char-to-string (+ 65 i))))) - `ns_draw_window_cursor' calls `ns_clip_to_rect', which does _not_ take `row->clip` into consideration when drawing cursors with `NSRectFill'. When it comes time to draw glyphs on top of the box/hollow family of cursors, `row->clip` is taken into consideration by `get_glyph_string_clip'. Fake cursors can be drawn even though the glyphs cannot, resulting in hollow/box family of cursors without text. The issue can be reproduced with M-x mc-test. [A temporary workaround is to disable `row->clip` while drawing the glyphs.] - Deal with left/right overwritten glyphs in the w32 and X ports of Emacs. - The current test for `auto_hscroll_mode_p' only looks for `current_line` and all five related tests are based upon that assumption, which may not be true. - Multiple Cursors: If point is in the middle of a composite character, then select a fully composed character so that the fake cursor is visible. - Implement functionality similar to the Lisp multiple-cursors by Magnar Sveen. - Follow up with the Emacs team re bug#32177; i.e., (Current line number shifts one column to the left.) - Follow up with the Emacs team re bug#32060; i.e., Horizontal Scrolling (Current Line): Wrong line gets h-scrolled. - Determine if bug #28936 needs to be fixed and help the Emacs team re same. - Is there any additional meaningful optimization that can be added to the three calls of `mc_pre_scroll_clean'? - There is a bug affecting an older version of Emacs for the NS port that causes partial line flickering when the same characters are grouped together (;;;;;;) and MC_GLYPHLESS cursors are above or below -- having the same background color as the frame; e.g., black on black (used to erase a glyphless cursor). The partial flickering is only noticeable with rapid fire; e.g., holding down the right/left arrow key. When changing the color of the glyphless cursor, the issue is not present. [@lawlist has verified that the X and HPOS coordinates are accurate.]