* bug#74590: 31.0.50 [scratch/igc branch]; key input sometimes skip fcitx input method preedit box @ 2024-11-28 13:18 Yikai Zhao 2024-11-28 13:32 ` Pip Cet via Bug reports for GNU Emacs, the Swiss army knife of text editors 0 siblings, 1 reply; 12+ messages in thread From: Yikai Zhao @ 2024-11-28 13:18 UTC (permalink / raw) To: 74590 I encountered this bug while testing the mps (scratch/igc) branch. I cannot reproduce this with the current master branch. I'm running Linux, X11, fcitx chinese input method. Fcitx input method is popular among CJK users. When it's enabled, all character inputs should be displayed in the "fcitx preedit box"; until a confirmation key (e.g. space) is pressed, the composed characters should then be inserted into the application (e.g. emacs). Now, with the mps branch, occasinoally, some key input would NOT go to the fcitx preedit box; instead, it goes into emacs directly. It happens regardless of whether the fcitx preedit box is currently active. (aka, both first-chars and non-first-chars may have this problem). If the fcitx preedit box is active when is happens, it would remain active. For example, when I type "niha", it starts at this: +----------emacs buffer---------------+ | xxxxxx| | | +-----fcitx box-------+ | | | niha | | | | 你好 你哈 你害 .. | | | +---------------------+ | | | +-------------------------------------+ Then I type "o", the expected behavior is: +----------emacs buffer---------------+ | xxxxxx| | | +-----fcitx box-------+ | | | nihao | | | | 你好 你哈 你害 .. | | | +---------------------+ | | | +-------------------------------------+ But instead, what I get is: +----------emacs buffer---------------+ | xxxxxxo| | | +-----fcitx box-------+ | | | niha | | | | 你好 你哈 你害 .. | | | +---------------------+ | | | +-------------------------------------+ In GNU Emacs 31.0.50 (build 1, x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, GTK+ Version 3.22.30, cairo version 1.15.10) of 2024-11-24 built on f2908c960c38 Repository revision: 0756b1f2f5452d715396f66d887c137776e360ca Repository branch: scratch/igc Windowing system distributor 'The X.Org Foundation', version 11.0.12101004 System Description: Ubuntu 22.04.5 LTS Configured using: 'configure --prefix=/work/dist/AppDir --disable-locallisppath --with-native-compilation=aot --with-json --with-threads --with-sqlite3 --with-tree-sitter --with-dbus --with-xml2 --with-modules --with-libgmp --with-gpm --with-lcms2 --with-mps --with-x --without-pgtk --without-gconf --with-x-toolkit=gtk3 --with-xft --without-tiff --without-imagemagick --with-gif --with-png --with-rsvg --with-webp --with-harfbuzz --with-cairo --with-libotf --without-m17n-flt --with-jpeg emacs_cv_jpeglib=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libjpeg.a CPPFLAGS=-I/work/dist/AppDir/include LDFLAGS=-L/work/dist/AppDir/lib' Configured features: CAIRO DBUS FREETYPE GIF GLIB GMP GNUTLS GSETTINGS HARFBUZZ JPEG LCMS2 LIBOTF LIBXML2 MODULES MPS NATIVE_COMP NOTIFY INOTIFY PDUMPER PNG RSVG SECCOMP SOUND SQLITE3 THREADS TOOLKIT_SCROLL_BARS TREE_SITTER WEBP X11 XDBE XIM XINPUT2 XPM GTK3 ZLIB Important settings: value of $EMACSDATA: /tmp/.mount_emacsCDP179/share/emacs/31.0.50/etc value of $EMACSDOC: /tmp/.mount_emacsCDP179/share/emacs/31.0.50/etc value of $EMACSLOADPATH: /tmp/.mount_emacsCDP179/share/emacs/31.0.50/lisp value of $EMACSPATH: /tmp/.mount_emacsCDP179/libexec/emacs/31.0.50/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu value of $LC_MONETARY: en_US.UTF-8 value of $LC_NUMERIC: en_US.UTF-8 value of $LC_TIME: en_US.UTF-8 value of $LANG: en_US.UTF-8 value of $XMODIFIERS: @im=fcitx locale-coding-system: utf-8-unix Major mode: Lisp Interaction Minor modes in effect: evil-vimish-fold-mode: t vimish-fold-mode: t diff-hl-mode: t flycheck-posframe-mode: t flycheck-mode: t ligature-mode: t whitespace-mode: t electric-pair-mode: t hl-todo-mode: t dtrt-indent-mode: t projectile-mode: t tempel-abbrev-mode: t company-mode: t global-git-commit-mode: t magit-auto-revert-mode: t hl-line-mode: t display-line-numbers-mode: t windmove-mode: t recentf-mode: t pixel-scroll-precision-mode: t server-mode: t winner-mode: t global-auto-revert-mode: t save-place-mode: t vertico-mode: t which-key-mode: t global-evil-visualstar-mode: t evil-visualstar-mode: t evil-snipe-override-mode: t evil-snipe-override-local-mode: t evil-owl-mode: t global-evil-surround-mode: t evil-surround-mode: t evil-commentary-mode: t evil-mode: t evil-local-mode: t override-global-mode: t tooltip-mode: t global-eldoc-mode: t eldoc-mode: t show-paren-mode: t electric-indent-mode: t mouse-wheel-mode: t file-name-shadow-mode: t global-font-lock-mode: t font-lock-mode: t minibuffer-regexp-mode: t transient-mark-mode: t auto-composition-mode: t auto-encryption-mode: t auto-compression-mode: t Load-path shadows: /home/yikai/.emacs.d/lib/which-key/which-key hides /tmp/.mount_emacsCDP179/share/emacs/31.0.50/lisp/which-key /home/yikai/.emacs.d/lib/transient/lisp/transient hides /tmp/.mount_emacsCDP179/share/emacs/31.0.50/lisp/transient /home/yikai/.emacs.d/lib/editorconfig/editorconfig hides /tmp/.mount_emacsCDP179/share/emacs/31.0.50/lisp/editorconfig /home/yikai/.emacs.d/lib/editorconfig/editorconfig-tools hides /tmp/.mount_emacsCDP179/share/emacs/31.0.50/lisp/editorconfig-tools /home/yikai/.emacs.d/lib/editorconfig/editorconfig-fnmatch hides /tmp/.mount_emacsCDP179/share/emacs/31.0.50/lisp/editorconfig-fnmatch /home/yikai/.emacs.d/lib/editorconfig/editorconfig-core hides /tmp/.mount_emacsCDP179/share/emacs/31.0.50/lisp/editorconfig-core /home/yikai/.emacs.d/lib/editorconfig/editorconfig-core-handle hides /tmp/.mount_emacsCDP179/share/emacs/31.0.50/lisp/editorconfig-core-handle /home/yikai/.emacs.d/lib/editorconfig/editorconfig-conf-mode hides /tmp/.mount_emacsCDP179/share/emacs/31.0.50/lisp/editorconfig-conf-mode /home/yikai/.emacs.d/lib/compat/compat hides /tmp/.mount_emacsCDP179/share/emacs/31.0.50/lisp/emacs-lisp/compat Features: (shadow sort mail-extr emacsbug evil-vimish-fold vimish-fold f s git-gutter-fringe fringe-helper git-gutter evil-collection-diff-hl diff-hl evil-collection-log-view log-view evil-collection-vc-dir vc-dir ewoc vc vc-dispatcher flycheck-posframe posframe flycheck-google-cpplint evil-collection-flycheck flycheck ligature whitespace elec-pair hl-todo dtrt-indent company-keywords company-dabbrev-code company-dabbrev company-files projectile evil-collection-grep grep ibuf-ext evil-collection-ibuffer ibuffer ibuffer-loaddefs url-queue pr-review-search tempel company-abbrev company-emoji company-emoji-list company-capf company bazel evil-collection-xref xref which-func testcover evil-collection-edebug edebug evil-collection-debug debug backtrace evil-collection-python python treesit project evil-collection-imenu imenu ffap cc-mode cc-fonts cc-guess cc-menus cc-cmds textsec uni-scripts idna-mapping ucs-normalize uni-confusable textsec-check pr-review pr-review-render shr pixel-fill kinsoku url-file svg dom pr-review-action magit-diff smerge-mode diff evil-collection-diff-mode diff-mode track-changes git-commit evil-collection-log-edit log-edit message sendmail yank-media evil-collection-dired dired dired-loaddefs rfc822 mml mml-sec evil-collection-epa epa derived epg rfc6068 epg-config gnus-util mm-decode mm-bodies mm-encode mailabbrev gmm-utils mailheader pcvs-util add-log magit-core magit-autorevert magit-margin magit-transient magit-process with-editor magit-mode transient browse-url benchmark magit-git magit-base crm pr-review-input evil-collection-markdown-mode markdown-mode evil-collection-outline noutline outline mule-util pulse mail-utils network-stream url-cache hl-line display-line-numbers pr-review-notification pr-review-listview pr-review-api ghub-graphql treepy gsexp ghub url-http mail-parse rfc2231 rfc2047 rfc2045 mm-util ietf-drums mail-prsvr url-gw nsm url-auth url url-proxy url-privacy url-expand url-methods url-history url-cookie url-domsuf url-util mailcap let-alist gnutls puny pr-review-common evil-collection-magit-section magit-section dash windmove cl-print igc vertico-directory orderless recentf tree-widget wid-edit evil-collection-consult consult cursor-sensor help-fns time pixel-scroll cua-base auth-source-pass url-parse url-vars server fcitx dbus xml winner evil-collection-vterm vterm evil-collection-bookmark bookmark pp face-remap evil-collection-compile compile text-property-search evil-collection-term term disp-table ehelp find-func vterm-module term/xterm xterm cc-styles cc-align cc-engine cc-vars cc-defs google-c-style midnight autorevert filenotify saveplace tramp-cache time-stamp tramp-sh tramp trampver tramp-integration files-x tramp-message tramp-compat xdg shell pcomplete evil-collection-comint comint ansi-osc parse-time iso8601 time-date auth-source eieio eieio-core password-cache json map ansi-color tramp-loaddefs cus-load evil-collection-vertico vertico compat solarized-light-theme solarized-theme solarized solarized-faces color evil-collection-which-key which-key fringe-scale switch-buffer-functions evil-visualstar evil-snipe evil-owl format-spec evil-surround evil-commentary evil-commentary-integration evil-collection-tabulated-list evil-collection-tab-bar evil-collection-simple evil-collection-replace evil-collection-process-menu evil-collection-kmacro evil-collection-info evil-collection-indent evil-collection-help evil-collection-elisp-mode evil-collection-eldoc evil-collection-buff-menu evil-collection annalist evil evil-integration evil-maps evil-commands evil-digraphs reveal evil-jumps evil-command-window evil-types evil-search evil-ex evil-macros evil-repeat evil-states evil-core advice evil-common thingatpt rect evil-vars ring edmacro kmacro byte-opt delight comp-run use-package use-package-ensure use-package-delight use-package-diminish use-package-bind-key bind-key easy-mmode use-package-core yaml-mode-autoloads xonsh-mode-autoloads with-editor-autoloads which-key-autoloads wgrep-autoloads vterm-autoloads vimrc-mode-autoloads vimish-fold-autoloads vertico-autoloads treesit-auto-autoloads treepy-autoloads transient-autoloads tempel-autoloads switch-buffer-functions-autoloads suggest-autoloads sudo-edit-autoloads spinner-autoloads solarized-theme-autoloads s-autoloads rust-mode-autoloads rg-autoloads rainbow-mode-autoloads pydoc-autoloads protobuf-mode-autoloads projectile-autoloads pr-review-autoloads posframe-autoloads popup-autoloads pkg-info-autoloads php-mode-autoloads package-lint-autoloads org2elcomment-autoloads org-tree-slide-autoloads orderless-autoloads markdown-mode-autoloads magit-autoloads lv-autoloads lua-mode-autoloads lsp-pyright-autoloads lsp-mode-autoloads lsp-haskell-autoloads loop-autoloads llama-autoloads ligature-autoloads kotlin-mode-autoloads just-mode-autoloads jsonnet-mode-autoloads jinx-autoloads jinja2-mode-autoloads ht-autoloads hl-todo-autoloads haskell-mode-autoloads groovy-mode-autoloads gptel-autoloads goto-chg-autoloads google-c-style-autoloads go-mode-autoloads gn-mode-autoloads git-link-autoloads git-gutter-fringe-autoloads git-gutter-autoloads ghub-autoloads fringe-helper-autoloads flycheck-posframe-autoloads flycheck-package-autoloads flycheck-google-cpplint-autoloads flycheck-autoloads fish-mode-autoloads fcitx-autoloads f-autoloads explain-pause-mode-autoloads expand-region-autoloads exec-path-from-shell-autoloads evil-visualstar-autoloads evil-vimish-fold-autoloads evil-surround-autoloads evil-snipe-autoloads evil-owl-autoloads evil-commentary-autoloads evil-collection-autoloads evil-autoloads epl-autoloads epkg-autoloads embark-autoloads emacsql-autoloads emacs-fringe-scale-autoloads editorconfig-autoloads ebuild-mode-autoloads dumb-jump-autoloads dtrt-indent-autoloads dockerfile-mode-autoloads diff-hl-autoloads devdocs-browser-autoloads delight-autoloads dash-autoloads cuda-mode-autoloads copilot-autoloads consult-flycheck-autoloads consult-autoloads compat-autoloads company-emoji-autoloads company-autoloads codeium-autoloads cl-macs cmake-mode-autoloads closql-autoloads bpftrace-mode-autoloads borg-autoloads bazel-autoloads avy-autoloads annalist-autoloads add-node-modules-path-autoloads borg loaddefs-gen generate-lisp-file lisp-mnt radix-tree pcase info comp cl-seq comp-cstr cl-extra help-mode comp-common warnings icons subr-x rx gv cl-loaddefs cl-lib bytecomp byte-compile rmc iso-transl tooltip cconv eldoc paren electric uniquify ediff-hook vc-hooks lisp-float-type elisp-mode mwheel term/x-win x-win term/common-win x-dnd touch-screen tool-bar dnd fontset image regexp-opt fringe tabulated-list replace newcomment text-mode lisp-mode prog-mode register page tab-bar menu-bar rfn-eshadow isearch easymenu timer select scroll-bar mouse jit-lock font-lock syntax font-core term/tty-colors frame minibuffer nadvice seq simple cl-generic indonesian philippine cham georgian utf-8-lang misc-lang vietnamese tibetan thai tai-viet lao korean japanese eucjp-ms cp51932 hebrew greek romanian slovak czech european ethiopic indian cyrillic chinese composite emoji-zwj charscript charprop case-table epa-hook jka-cmpr-hook help abbrev obarray oclosure cl-preloaded button loaddefs theme-loaddefs faces cus-face macroexp files window text-properties overlay sha1 md5 base64 format env code-pages mule custom widget keymap hashtable-print-readable backquote threads dbusbind inotify lcms2 dynamic-setting system-font-setting font-render-setting cairo gtk x-toolkit xinput2 x multi-tty move-toolbar make-network-process native-compile mps emacs) Memory information: ((conses 24 0 0) (symbols 56 0 0) (strings 40 0 0) (string-bytes 1 0) (vectors 24 0) (vector-slots 8 0 0) (floats 24 0 0) (intervals 64 0 0) (buffers 1000 0)) ^ permalink raw reply [flat|nested] 12+ messages in thread
* bug#74590: 31.0.50 [scratch/igc branch]; key input sometimes skip fcitx input method preedit box 2024-11-28 13:18 bug#74590: 31.0.50 [scratch/igc branch]; key input sometimes skip fcitx input method preedit box Yikai Zhao @ 2024-11-28 13:32 ` Pip Cet via Bug reports for GNU Emacs, the Swiss army knife of text editors 2024-11-29 4:26 ` Yikai Zhao 0 siblings, 1 reply; 12+ messages in thread From: Pip Cet via Bug reports for GNU Emacs, the Swiss army knife of text editors @ 2024-11-28 13:32 UTC (permalink / raw) To: Yikai Zhao; +Cc: 74590 On Thursday, November 28th, 2024 at 13:18, Yikai Zhao <yikai@z1k.dev> wrote: > I encountered this bug while testing the mps (scratch/igc) branch. I > cannot reproduce this with the current master branch. Can you reproduce it on the scratch/igc branch, but compiled without mps support? That might help us narow it down to the MPS code or some unrelated change on that branch. Pip ^ permalink raw reply [flat|nested] 12+ messages in thread
* bug#74590: 31.0.50 [scratch/igc branch]; key input sometimes skip fcitx input method preedit box 2024-11-28 13:32 ` Pip Cet via Bug reports for GNU Emacs, the Swiss army knife of text editors @ 2024-11-29 4:26 ` Yikai Zhao 2024-11-29 5:21 ` Gerd Möllmann 0 siblings, 1 reply; 12+ messages in thread From: Yikai Zhao @ 2024-11-29 4:26 UTC (permalink / raw) To: Pip Cet; +Cc: 74590 I can confirm that the issue does not happen on the scratch/igc branch without mps support (or at least much less frequent) On Thu, Nov 28, 2024 at 9:33 PM Pip Cet <pipcet@protonmail.com> wrote: > > On Thursday, November 28th, 2024 at 13:18, Yikai Zhao <yikai@z1k.dev> wrote: > > I encountered this bug while testing the mps (scratch/igc) branch. I > > cannot reproduce this with the current master branch. > > Can you reproduce it on the scratch/igc branch, but compiled without mps support? > > That might help us narow it down to the MPS code or some unrelated change on that branch. > > Pip ^ permalink raw reply [flat|nested] 12+ messages in thread
* bug#74590: 31.0.50 [scratch/igc branch]; key input sometimes skip fcitx input method preedit box 2024-11-29 4:26 ` Yikai Zhao @ 2024-11-29 5:21 ` Gerd Möllmann 2024-11-29 5:55 ` Gerd Möllmann 0 siblings, 1 reply; 12+ messages in thread From: Gerd Möllmann @ 2024-11-29 5:21 UTC (permalink / raw) To: Yikai Zhao; +Cc: Pip Cet, 74590 Yikai Zhao <yikai@z1k.dev> writes: > I can confirm that the issue does not happen on the scratch/igc branch > without mps support > (or at least much less frequent) > > On Thu, Nov 28, 2024 at 9:33 PM Pip Cet <pipcet@protonmail.com> wrote: >> >> On Thursday, November 28th, 2024 at 13:18, Yikai Zhao <yikai@z1k.dev> wrote: >> > I encountered this bug while testing the mps (scratch/igc) branch. I >> > cannot reproduce this with the current master branch. >> >> Can you reproduce it on the scratch/igc branch, but compiled without mps support? >> >> That might help us narow it down to the MPS code or some unrelated change on that branch. >> >> Pip Not sure if that is used in your build, but in x_display_info (xterm.h) I see a number of struct frame pointers that are not fixed in fix_frame, starting with struct frame *x_focus_frame; And if it's not that display info that is being used, I'd bet a small amount that whatever is actually used (pgtk_display_info?) has a similar problems. (Can't fix this myself, sorry, I only have macOS.) ^ permalink raw reply [flat|nested] 12+ messages in thread
* bug#74590: 31.0.50 [scratch/igc branch]; key input sometimes skip fcitx input method preedit box 2024-11-29 5:21 ` Gerd Möllmann @ 2024-11-29 5:55 ` Gerd Möllmann 2024-11-30 10:39 ` Helmut Eller 0 siblings, 1 reply; 12+ messages in thread From: Gerd Möllmann @ 2024-11-29 5:55 UTC (permalink / raw) To: Yikai Zhao; +Cc: Pip Cet, Helmut Eller, 74590 Gerd Möllmann <gerd.moellmann@gmail.com> writes: Wanted to get Helmut onboard, in case he's interested, but forgot to add him in CC. Now he is. > Yikai Zhao <yikai@z1k.dev> writes: > >> I can confirm that the issue does not happen on the scratch/igc branch >> without mps support >> (or at least much less frequent) >> >> On Thu, Nov 28, 2024 at 9:33 PM Pip Cet <pipcet@protonmail.com> wrote: >>> >>> On Thursday, November 28th, 2024 at 13:18, Yikai Zhao <yikai@z1k.dev> wrote: >>> > I encountered this bug while testing the mps (scratch/igc) branch. I >>> > cannot reproduce this with the current master branch. >>> >>> Can you reproduce it on the scratch/igc branch, but compiled without mps support? >>> >>> That might help us narow it down to the MPS code or some unrelated change on that branch. >>> >>> Pip > > Not sure if that is used in your build, but in x_display_info (xterm.h) > I see a number of struct frame pointers that are not fixed in fix_frame, > starting with > > struct frame *x_focus_frame; > > And if it's not that display info that is being used, I'd bet a small > amount that whatever is actually used (pgtk_display_info?) has a similar > problems. > > (Can't fix this myself, sorry, I only have macOS.) ^ permalink raw reply [flat|nested] 12+ messages in thread
* bug#74590: 31.0.50 [scratch/igc branch]; key input sometimes skip fcitx input method preedit box 2024-11-29 5:55 ` Gerd Möllmann @ 2024-11-30 10:39 ` Helmut Eller 2024-11-30 10:55 ` Gerd Möllmann 0 siblings, 1 reply; 12+ messages in thread From: Helmut Eller @ 2024-11-30 10:39 UTC (permalink / raw) To: Gerd Möllmann; +Cc: Pip Cet, Yikai Zhao, 74590 On Fri, Nov 29 2024, Gerd Möllmann wrote: >> Not sure if that is used in your build, but in x_display_info (xterm.h) >> I see a number of struct frame pointers that are not fixed in fix_frame, >> starting with >> >> struct frame *x_focus_frame; >> >> And if it's not that display info that is being used, I'd bet a small >> amount that whatever is actually used (pgtk_display_info?) has a similar >> problems. >> >> (Can't fix this myself, sorry, I only have macOS.) I think the x_display_info struct (I guess usually only one exists) is allocated in x_term_init (or pgtk_term_init) with igc_xzalloc_ambig. So theoretically it doesn't need to be traced. ^ permalink raw reply [flat|nested] 12+ messages in thread
* bug#74590: 31.0.50 [scratch/igc branch]; key input sometimes skip fcitx input method preedit box 2024-11-30 10:39 ` Helmut Eller @ 2024-11-30 10:55 ` Gerd Möllmann 2024-11-30 16:37 ` Pip Cet via Bug reports for GNU Emacs, the Swiss army knife of text editors 0 siblings, 1 reply; 12+ messages in thread From: Gerd Möllmann @ 2024-11-30 10:55 UTC (permalink / raw) To: Helmut Eller; +Cc: Pip Cet, Yikai Zhao, 74590 Helmut Eller <eller.helmut@gmail.com> writes: > On Fri, Nov 29 2024, Gerd Möllmann wrote: > >>> Not sure if that is used in your build, but in x_display_info (xterm.h) >>> I see a number of struct frame pointers that are not fixed in fix_frame, >>> starting with >>> >>> struct frame *x_focus_frame; >>> >>> And if it's not that display info that is being used, I'd bet a small >>> amount that whatever is actually used (pgtk_display_info?) has a similar >>> problems. >>> >>> (Can't fix this myself, sorry, I only have macOS.) > > I think the x_display_info struct (I guess usually only one exists) is > allocated in x_term_init (or pgtk_term_init) with igc_xzalloc_ambig. So > theoretically it doesn't need to be traced. Then we're good, sorry for the noise. What made me suspicious is that we have this in fix_frame: Lisp_Object *nle = &FRAME_DISPLAY_INFO (f)->name_list_element; IGC_FIX12_OBJ (ss, nle); ^ permalink raw reply [flat|nested] 12+ messages in thread
* bug#74590: 31.0.50 [scratch/igc branch]; key input sometimes skip fcitx input method preedit box 2024-11-30 10:55 ` Gerd Möllmann @ 2024-11-30 16:37 ` Pip Cet via Bug reports for GNU Emacs, the Swiss army knife of text editors 2024-12-01 6:04 ` Gerd Möllmann 0 siblings, 1 reply; 12+ messages in thread From: Pip Cet via Bug reports for GNU Emacs, the Swiss army knife of text editors @ 2024-11-30 16:37 UTC (permalink / raw) To: Gerd Möllmann; +Cc: Yikai Zhao, Helmut Eller, 74590 [-- Attachment #1: Type: text/plain, Size: 1547 bytes --] On Saturday, November 30th, 2024 at 10:55, Gerd Möllmann <gerd.moellmann@gmail.com> wrote: > Helmut Eller eller.helmut@gmail.com writes: > > > On Fri, Nov 29 2024, Gerd Möllmann wrote: > > > > > > Not sure if that is used in your build, but in x_display_info (xterm.h) > > > > I see a number of struct frame pointers that are not fixed in fix_frame, > > > > starting with > > > > > > > > struct frame *x_focus_frame; > > > > > > > > And if it's not that display info that is being used, I'd bet a small > > > > amount that whatever is actually used (pgtk_display_info?) has a similar > > > > problems. > > > > > > > > (Can't fix this myself, sorry, I only have macOS.) > > > > I think the x_display_info struct (I guess usually only one exists) is > > allocated in x_term_init (or pgtk_term_init) with igc_xzalloc_ambig. So > > theoretically it doesn't need to be traced. > > > Then we're good, sorry for the noise. So it turns out X input method handling is somewhat complicated! I've tried installing fcitx, but it seems to be working the same here with and without MPS. It would help to establish the value of x-gtk-use-native-input, since that determines whether we use the GTK or X method for communicating with fcitx. I've attached a patch which logs some debugging info to stderr (because displaying messages using X while debugging X code is a bad idea, IME). If you could apply it and reproduce the output around a keypress that's handled incorrectly, that might help us track this down. Pip [-- Warning: decoded text below may be mangled, UTF-8 assumed --] [-- Attachment #2: 0002-fcitx.patch --] [-- Type: text/x-patch; name=0002-fcitx.patch, Size: 1923 bytes --] diff --git a/src/xterm.c b/src/xterm.c index ebcd3a786e2..066d3828bcf 100644 --- a/src/xterm.c +++ b/src/xterm.c @@ -6914,6 +6914,7 @@ x_display_info_for_display (Display *dpy) if (dpyinfo->display == dpy) return dpyinfo; + fprintf(stderr, "couldn't find display info for %p\n", dpy); return 0; } @@ -13027,6 +13028,7 @@ x_dnd_begin_drag_and_drop (struct frame *f, Time time, Atom xaction, event_display = x_display_info_for_display (next_event.xany.display); + fprintf(stderr, "event_display %p\n", event_display); if (event_display) { #ifdef HAVE_X_I18N @@ -17913,7 +17915,11 @@ x_filter_event (struct x_display_info *dpyinfo, XEvent *event) && !dpyinfo->prefer_native_input) { #endif - return XFilterEvent (event, f1 ? FRAME_X_WINDOW (f1) : None); + bool result; + result = XFilterEvent (event, f1 ? FRAME_X_WINDOW (f1) : None); + fprintf(stderr, "result %d (not GTK) for event %d, frame %p dpyinfo %p\n", result, event->type, + f1, dpyinfo); + return result; #ifdef USE_GTK } else if (f1 && (event->type == KeyPress @@ -17941,9 +17947,13 @@ x_filter_event (struct x_display_info *dpyinfo, XEvent *event) exercise the wire to make pselect return. */ XNoOp (FRAME_X_DISPLAY (f1)); + fprintf(stderr, "result %d for event %d, frame %p dpyinfo %p\n", result, event->type, + f1, dpyinfo); return result; } + fprintf(stderr, "result 0 (no frame) for event %d, frame %p dpyinfo %p\n", event->type, + f1, dpyinfo); return 0; #endif } @@ -17965,6 +17975,7 @@ event_handler_gdk (GdkXEvent *gxev, GdkEvent *ev, gpointer data) dpyinfo = x_display_info_for_display (xev->xany.display); + fprintf(stderr, "dpyinfo %p\n", dpyinfo); #ifdef HAVE_X_I18N /* Filter events for the current X input method. GTK calls XFilterEvent but not for key press and release, ^ permalink raw reply related [flat|nested] 12+ messages in thread
* bug#74590: 31.0.50 [scratch/igc branch]; key input sometimes skip fcitx input method preedit box 2024-11-30 16:37 ` Pip Cet via Bug reports for GNU Emacs, the Swiss army knife of text editors @ 2024-12-01 6:04 ` Gerd Möllmann 2024-12-01 7:33 ` Gerd Möllmann 0 siblings, 1 reply; 12+ messages in thread From: Gerd Möllmann @ 2024-12-01 6:04 UTC (permalink / raw) To: Pip Cet; +Cc: Yikai Zhao, Helmut Eller, 74590 Pip Cet <pipcet@protonmail.com> writes: > On Saturday, November 30th, 2024 at 10:55, Gerd Möllmann <gerd.moellmann@gmail.com> wrote: >> Helmut Eller eller.helmut@gmail.com writes: >> >> > On Fri, Nov 29 2024, Gerd Möllmann wrote: >> > >> > > > Not sure if that is used in your build, but in x_display_info (xterm.h) >> > > > I see a number of struct frame pointers that are not fixed in fix_frame, >> > > > starting with >> > > > >> > > > struct frame *x_focus_frame; >> > > > >> > > > And if it's not that display info that is being used, I'd bet a small >> > > > amount that whatever is actually used (pgtk_display_info?) has a similar >> > > > problems. >> > > > >> > > > (Can't fix this myself, sorry, I only have macOS.) >> > >> > I think the x_display_info struct (I guess usually only one exists) is >> > allocated in x_term_init (or pgtk_term_init) with igc_xzalloc_ambig. So >> > theoretically it doesn't need to be traced. >> >> >> Then we're good, sorry for the noise. > > So it turns out X input method handling is somewhat complicated! > > I've tried installing fcitx, but it seems to be working the same here with and without MPS. > > It would help to establish the value of x-gtk-use-native-input, since that determines whether we use the GTK or X method for communicating with fcitx. > > I've attached a patch which logs some debugging info to stderr > (because displaying messages using X while debugging X code is a bad > idea, IME). If you could apply it and reproduce the output around a > keypress that's handled incorrectly, that might help us track this > down. > > Pip Searching for "closure" and "user_data" turns up this in gtkutil.c: static void xg_im_context_commit (GtkIMContext *imc, gchar *str, gpointer user_data) { struct frame *f = get_glib_user_data (user_data); That's a Gtk signal handler, or whatever they are called, which gets set, also in gtkutil.c g_signal_connect_data (G_OBJECT (imc), "commit", G_CALLBACK (xg_im_context_commit), glib_user_data (f), free_glib_user_data, G_CONNECT_DEFAULT); Looks to me like a struct frame * might be "hidden" by this in some Gtk data structure so that it can be passed to the handler at some point. Don't know if that's relevant. ^ permalink raw reply [flat|nested] 12+ messages in thread
* bug#74590: 31.0.50 [scratch/igc branch]; key input sometimes skip fcitx input method preedit box 2024-12-01 6:04 ` Gerd Möllmann @ 2024-12-01 7:33 ` Gerd Möllmann 2024-12-01 10:08 ` Pip Cet via Bug reports for GNU Emacs, the Swiss army knife of text editors 0 siblings, 1 reply; 12+ messages in thread From: Gerd Möllmann @ 2024-12-01 7:33 UTC (permalink / raw) To: Pip Cet; +Cc: Yikai Zhao, Helmut Eller, 74590 Gerd Möllmann <gerd.moellmann@gmail.com> writes: > Pip Cet <pipcet@protonmail.com> writes: > >> On Saturday, November 30th, 2024 at 10:55, Gerd Möllmann <gerd.moellmann@gmail.com> wrote: >>> Helmut Eller eller.helmut@gmail.com writes: >>> >>> > On Fri, Nov 29 2024, Gerd Möllmann wrote: >>> > >>> > > > Not sure if that is used in your build, but in x_display_info (xterm.h) >>> > > > I see a number of struct frame pointers that are not fixed in fix_frame, >>> > > > starting with >>> > > > >>> > > > struct frame *x_focus_frame; >>> > > > >>> > > > And if it's not that display info that is being used, I'd bet a small >>> > > > amount that whatever is actually used (pgtk_display_info?) has a similar >>> > > > problems. >>> > > > >>> > > > (Can't fix this myself, sorry, I only have macOS.) >>> > >>> > I think the x_display_info struct (I guess usually only one exists) is >>> > allocated in x_term_init (or pgtk_term_init) with igc_xzalloc_ambig. So >>> > theoretically it doesn't need to be traced. >>> >>> >>> Then we're good, sorry for the noise. >> >> So it turns out X input method handling is somewhat complicated! >> >> I've tried installing fcitx, but it seems to be working the same here with and without MPS. >> >> It would help to establish the value of x-gtk-use-native-input, since that determines whether we use the GTK or X method for communicating with fcitx. >> >> I've attached a patch which logs some debugging info to stderr >> (because displaying messages using X while debugging X code is a bad >> idea, IME). If you could apply it and reproduce the output around a >> keypress that's handled incorrectly, that might help us track this >> down. >> >> Pip > > Searching for "closure" and "user_data" turns up this in gtkutil.c: > > static void > xg_im_context_commit (GtkIMContext *imc, gchar *str, > gpointer user_data) > { > struct frame *f = get_glib_user_data (user_data); > > That's a Gtk signal handler, or whatever they are called, which > gets set, also in gtkutil.c > > g_signal_connect_data (G_OBJECT (imc), "commit", > G_CALLBACK (xg_im_context_commit), > glib_user_data (f), free_glib_user_data, > G_CONNECT_DEFAULT); > > Looks to me like a struct frame * might be "hidden" by this in some Gtk > data structure so that it can be passed to the handler at some point. > > Don't know if that's relevant. It probably isn't relevant because of this #ifdef HAVE_MPS void free_glib_user_data (gpointer data, GClosure *closure) { igc_xfree (data); } #else void free_glib_user_data (gpointer data, GClosure *closure) { return; } #endif Don't know where the allocation takes place. I should shut up, I guess :-). ^ permalink raw reply [flat|nested] 12+ messages in thread
* bug#74590: 31.0.50 [scratch/igc branch]; key input sometimes skip fcitx input method preedit box 2024-12-01 7:33 ` Gerd Möllmann @ 2024-12-01 10:08 ` Pip Cet via Bug reports for GNU Emacs, the Swiss army knife of text editors 2024-12-01 11:30 ` Gerd Möllmann 0 siblings, 1 reply; 12+ messages in thread From: Pip Cet via Bug reports for GNU Emacs, the Swiss army knife of text editors @ 2024-12-01 10:08 UTC (permalink / raw) To: Gerd Möllmann; +Cc: Yikai Zhao, Helmut Eller, 74590 Gerd Möllmann <gerd.moellmann@gmail.com> writes: > It probably isn't relevant because of this > > #ifdef HAVE_MPS > void free_glib_user_data (gpointer data, GClosure *closure) > { > igc_xfree (data); > } > #else > void free_glib_user_data (gpointer data, GClosure *closure) > { > return; > } > #endif > > Don't know where the allocation takes place. It's this code in gtkutil.h: #ifdef HAVE_MPS INLINE gpointer glib_user_data (void *o) { gpointer p = igc_xzalloc_ambig (sizeof (o)); memcpy (p, &o, sizeof (o)); return p; } INLINE void * get_glib_user_data (gpointer p) { return *(void **)p; } #else INLINE gpointer glib_user_data (void *o) { return (gpointer)o; } INLINE void * get_glib_user_data (gpointer p) { return (void *)p; } #endif Does that look correct to you? My understanding is that the GTK input method code is only used if x_gtk_use_native_input is true (which we'll have to wait for the OP to confirm or deny), but xg_create_frame_widgets always calls gtk_im_multicontext_new, so the problem might be in the GTK code... Pip ^ permalink raw reply [flat|nested] 12+ messages in thread
* bug#74590: 31.0.50 [scratch/igc branch]; key input sometimes skip fcitx input method preedit box 2024-12-01 10:08 ` Pip Cet via Bug reports for GNU Emacs, the Swiss army knife of text editors @ 2024-12-01 11:30 ` Gerd Möllmann 0 siblings, 0 replies; 12+ messages in thread From: Gerd Möllmann @ 2024-12-01 11:30 UTC (permalink / raw) To: Pip Cet; +Cc: Yikai Zhao, Helmut Eller, 74590 Pip Cet <pipcet@protonmail.com> writes: > Gerd Möllmann <gerd.moellmann@gmail.com> writes: > >> It probably isn't relevant because of this >> >> #ifdef HAVE_MPS >> void free_glib_user_data (gpointer data, GClosure *closure) >> { >> igc_xfree (data); >> } >> #else >> void free_glib_user_data (gpointer data, GClosure *closure) >> { >> return; >> } >> #endif >> >> Don't know where the allocation takes place. > > It's this code in gtkutil.h: > > #ifdef HAVE_MPS > INLINE gpointer > glib_user_data (void *o) > { > gpointer p = igc_xzalloc_ambig (sizeof (o)); > memcpy (p, &o, sizeof (o)); > return p; > } > > INLINE void * > get_glib_user_data (gpointer p) > { > return *(void **)p; > } > #else > INLINE gpointer > glib_user_data (void *o) > { > return (gpointer)o; > } > > INLINE void * > get_glib_user_data (gpointer p) > { > return (void *)p; > } > #endif > > Does that look correct to you? Yes, kt does. ^ permalink raw reply [flat|nested] 12+ messages in thread
end of thread, other threads:[~2024-12-01 11:30 UTC | newest] Thread overview: 12+ messages (download: mbox.gz follow: Atom feed -- links below jump to the message on this page -- 2024-11-28 13:18 bug#74590: 31.0.50 [scratch/igc branch]; key input sometimes skip fcitx input method preedit box Yikai Zhao 2024-11-28 13:32 ` Pip Cet via Bug reports for GNU Emacs, the Swiss army knife of text editors 2024-11-29 4:26 ` Yikai Zhao 2024-11-29 5:21 ` Gerd Möllmann 2024-11-29 5:55 ` Gerd Möllmann 2024-11-30 10:39 ` Helmut Eller 2024-11-30 10:55 ` Gerd Möllmann 2024-11-30 16:37 ` Pip Cet via Bug reports for GNU Emacs, the Swiss army knife of text editors 2024-12-01 6:04 ` Gerd Möllmann 2024-12-01 7:33 ` Gerd Möllmann 2024-12-01 10:08 ` Pip Cet via Bug reports for GNU Emacs, the Swiss army knife of text editors 2024-12-01 11:30 ` Gerd Möllmann
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