I find that when my graphical desktop size changes (e.g. when I disconnect my laptop from the external monitor) Emacs doesn't respond well. It's very common that edges of the Emacs frame are outside the visible area of the screen. For example, after `M-x maximize-frame', if I disconnect my main monitor, I get the first enclosed screenshot (ss1.tiff), with the right and bottom sides of the frame off the screen. If I switch to another application and back to Emacs, the frame jumps and I get the second enclosed screenshot (ss2.tiff), with the top and left off the screen. Subsequently reconnecting the main monitor gets me the third enclosed screenshot (ss3.tiff). Clicking in the Emacs frame brings everything back to its starting position (ss4.tiff). I know it's not the job of the Emacs maintainers to address this directly, but my use of workgroups.el makes this worse, as each workgroup I switch to needs to be reconfigured after a display size change. It seems to me: * When the display size changes, any visible frames that aren't completely visible should be moved/resised so they are * "maximized" should be remembered as part of the frame state, and when the display size changes, any previously-maximized frames should be re-maximized. * The same goes for "fullscreen" (which IIUC is only supported via a patch that lives outside emacs, but I mention it here for completeness).