As in the subject, the XBM image properties :foreground :background have no effect on OSX. This is easily tested with: ========= (defun make-test-image (foreground background) `(image :type xbm :data ,(let ((data (make-bool-vector (* 10 10) nil)) (index 0)) (while (< index (* 10 10)) (aset data index (= 0 (% index 3))) (setq index (+ 1 index))) data) :height 10 :width 10 :foreground ,foreground :background ,background)) (defun test-images () (interactive) (insert-image (make-test-image nil nil)) (insert-image (make-test-image "red" nil)) (insert-image (make-test-image nil "green")) (insert-image (make-test-image "blue" "orange"))) ========= After running `test-images' I expect differently colored images, but they are all monochrome. (black and white). After applying the following patch, it works for nextstep based terminal systems. I have tried to adher to the style already present in the file, and I do not the setup is the most elegant. But changing that would require a more intrusive patch. Wim Oudshoorn.