unofficial mirror of 
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* bug#34094: 27.0.50; (wrong-type-argument stringp (require . elec-pair)) with describe-function (and other commands)
@ 2019-01-16  7:42 Tassilo Horn
  2019-01-16 10:36 ` Glenn Morris
                   ` (3 more replies)
  0 siblings, 4 replies; 23+ messages in thread
From: Tassilo Horn @ 2019-01-16  7:42 UTC (permalink / raw)
  To: 34094

With the current master:

emacs -Q

M-x toggle-debug-on-error
C-h f package-reinstall

You get this backtrace:

Debugger entered--Lisp error: (wrong-type-argument stringp (require . elec-pair))
  string-match("\\(\\`\\|/\\)package-x\\(\\.elc\\|\\.el\\|\\.so\\)?\\(\\.gz\\)?\\..." (require . elec-pair) nil)
  help--load-prefixes((("package-" "package-x" "package")))
  help--symbol-completion-table("package-reinstall" #f(compiled-function (f) #<bytecode 0x15794c0c23e9>) lambda)
  test-completion("package-reinstall" help--symbol-completion-table #f(compiled-function (f) #<bytecode 0x15794c0c23e9>))
  completion--complete-and-exit(20 37 exit-minibuffer #f(compiled-function () #<bytecode 0x15794c022699>))
  completion-complete-and-exit(20 37 exit-minibuffer)
  call-interactively(minibuffer-complete-and-exit nil nil)
  read-from-minibuffer("Describe function: " nil (keymap (10 . minibuffer-complete-and-exit) (13 . minibuffer-complete-and-exit) keymap (menu-bar keymap (minibuf "Minibuf" keymap (tab menu-item "Complete" minibuffer-complete :help "Complete as far as possible") (space menu-item "Complete Word" minibuffer-complete-word :help "Complete at most one word") (63 menu-item "List Completions" minibuffer-completion-help :help "Display all possible completions") "Minibuf")) (27 keymap (118 . switch-to-completions)) (prior . switch-to-completions) (63 . minibuffer-completion-help) (32 . minibuffer-complete-word) (9 . minibuffer-complete) keymap (menu-bar keymap (minibuf "Minibuf" keymap (previous menu-item "Previous History Item" previous-history-element :help "Put previous minibuffer history element in the min...") (next menu-item "Next History Item" next-history-element :help "Put next minibuffer history element in the minibuf...") (isearch-backward menu-item "Isearch History Backward" isearch-backward :help "Incrementally search minibuffer history backward") (isearch-forward menu-item "Isearch History Forward" isearch-forward :help "Incrementally search minibuffer history forward") (return menu-item "Enter" exit-minibuffer :key-sequence "\15" :help "Terminate input and exit minibuffer") (quit menu-item "Quit" abort-recursive-edit :help "Abort input and exit minibuffer") "Minibuf")) (10 . exit-minibuffer) (13 . exit-minibuffer) (7 . abort-recursive-edit) (C-tab . file-cache-minibuffer-complete) (9 . self-insert-command) (XF86Back . previous-history-element) (up . previous-line-or-history-element) (prior . previous-history-element) (XF86Forward . next-history-element) (down . next-line-or-history-element) (next . next-history-element) (27 keymap (114 . previous-matching-history-element) (115 . next-matching-history-element) (112 . previous-history-element) (110 . next-history-element))) nil nil nil nil)
  completing-read-default("Describe function: " help--symbol-completion-table #f(compiled-function (f) #<bytecode 0x15794c0c23e9>) t nil nil nil nil)
  completing-read("Describe function: " help--symbol-completion-table #f(compiled-function (f) #<bytecode 0x15794c0c23e9>) t nil nil nil)
  byte-code("\301 \302\30\303\1\203\20\0\304\305\3\"\202\21\0\306\307\310\302\311\211\6\7\205\37\0\312\6\10!&\7\211\313\232\204,\0\314\1!\262\2\1\2035\0\19..." [enable-recursive-minibuffers function-called-at-point t completing-read format "Describe function (default %s): " "Describe function: " help--symbol-completion-table #f(compiled-function (f) #<bytecode 0x15794c0c23e9>) nil symbol-name "" intern user-error "You didn't specify a function symbol" fboundp function-documentation "Symbol's function definition is void: %s"] 10)
  call-interactively(describe-function nil nil)

With my normal configured emacs, I get the same error for (require
. finder-inf) at different places.

I update my master checkout almost daily.  With the version from
yesterday (around 2019-01-15 07:00 CET) I didn't have these issues.

In GNU Emacs 27.0.50 (build 1, x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, GTK+ Version 3.24.3)
 of 2019-01-16 built on pchta-and
Windowing system distributor 'The X.Org Foundation', version 11.0.12003000
System Description: Arch Linux

Recent messages:
file-name-sans-extension: Wrong type argument: stringp, (require . finder-inf)
Mark set
Contacting host: [2 times]
Mark set
Mark saved where search started
Contacting host: [6 times]
Opening nndoc server on /tmp/gnus-temp-group-azZTHY-ephemeral...done

Configured using:
 'configure --with-modules'

Configured features:

Important settings:
  value of $LC_MONETARY: de_DE.UTF-8
  value of $LC_NUMERIC: de_DE.UTF-8
  value of $LC_TIME: de_DE.UTF-8
  value of $LANG: en_US.UTF-8
  locale-coding-system: utf-8-unix

Major mode: Help

Minor modes in effect:
  rcirc-track-minor-mode: t
  intero-global-mode: t
  global-aggressive-indent-mode: t
  recentf-mode: t
  which-key-mode: t
  beacon-mode: t
  ivy-mode: t
  global-company-mode: t
  global-magit-file-mode: t
  diff-auto-refine-mode: t
  magit-auto-revert-mode: t
  global-git-commit-mode: t
  async-bytecomp-package-mode: t
  override-global-mode: t
  minibuffer-depth-indicate-mode: t
  electric-pair-mode: t
  global-subword-mode: t
  subword-mode: t
  save-place-mode: t
  savehist-mode: t
  show-paren-mode: t
  shell-dirtrack-mode: t
  tooltip-mode: t
  global-eldoc-mode: t
  electric-indent-mode: t
  mouse-wheel-mode: t
  global-prettify-symbols-mode: t
  file-name-shadow-mode: t
  global-font-lock-mode: t
  font-lock-mode: t
  auto-composition-mode: t
  auto-encryption-mode: t
  auto-compression-mode: t
  column-number-mode: t
  line-number-mode: t
  transient-mark-mode: t

Load-path shadows:
None found.

(shadow emacsbug sort gnus-cite mail-extr qp gnus-async gnus-bcklg
gnus-agent gnus-srvr gnus-score score-mode nnvirtual nntp gnus-ml
gnus-msg nndoc gnus-cache gnus-dup debbugs-gnu eieio-opt speedbar
sb-image ezimage dframe tar-mode autoload lisp-mnt mm-archive url-cache
pulse misearch multi-isearch debug backtrace cus-load gnutls
network-stream rcirc-color th-private rcirc ace-window avy find-dired
the-org-mode-expansions web-mode-expansions er-basic-expansions
expand-region-core expand-region-custom grep pp cl-print help-fns
radix-tree counsel xdg swiper company-oddmuse company-keywords
company-etags company-gtags company-dabbrev-code company-dabbrev
company-files company-capf company-cmake company-xcode company-clang
company-semantic company-eclim company-template company-bbdb
highlight-symbol org-rmail org-mhe org-irc org-info org-gnus nnir
org-docview doc-view jka-compr image-mode org-bibtex bibtex org-bbdb
org-w3m paredit bug-reference generic fish-mode cargo cargo-process
markdown-mode rust-mode intero flycheck hindent haskell-mode
haskell-cabal haskell-utils haskell-font-lock haskell-indentation
haskell-string haskell-sort-imports haskell-lexeme haskell-align-imports
haskell-compat haskell-complete-module haskell-ghc-support flymake-proc
flymake etags multifile xref project compile dabbrev haskell-customize
web-mode disp-table debbugs soap-client url-http url-auth url-gw nsm
warnings rng-xsd rng-dt rng-util xsd-regexp xml aggressive-indent vc-git
vc-dir ewoc vc vc-dispatcher epa-file org-element avl-tree generator org
org-macro org-footnote org-pcomplete org-list org-faces org-entities
org-version ob-emacs-lisp ob ob-tangle org-src ob-ref ob-lob ob-table
ob-keys ob-exp ob-comint ob-core ob-eval org-compat org-macs
org-loaddefs find-func cal-menu calendar cal-loaddefs dired-x boxquote
rect smtpmail-multi smtpmail sendmail cl ecomplete yasnippet
auto-dictionary flyspell ispell tramp-sh tramp-cache tramp-rclone
recentf tree-widget which-key moody beacon highlight-parentheses smex
ido ivy delsel colir color ivy-overlay ffap thingatpt company-restclient
know-your-http-well http-status-codes http-relations http-methods
http-headers company pcase restclient noutline outline url url-proxy
url-privacy url-expand url-methods url-history url-cookie url-domsuf
url-util magit-submodule magit-obsolete magit-blame magit-stash
magit-bisect magit-push magit-pull magit-fetch magit-clone magit-remote
magit-commit magit-sequence magit-notes magit-worktree magit-tag
magit-merge magit-branch magit-reset magit-files magit-refs magit-status
magit magit-repos magit-apply magit-wip magit-log which-func imenu
magit-diff smerge-mode diff-mode magit-core magit-autorevert autorevert
filenotify magit-process magit-margin magit-mode git-commit magit-git
magit-section magit-utils magit-popup crm log-edit pcvs-util add-log
with-editor async-bytecomp async server use-package-bind-key bind-key
mb-depth rx bs windmove elec-pair cap-words superword subword saveplace
savehist paren smiley gnus-art mm-uu mml2015 mm-view mml-smime smime dig
mailcap gnus-sum gnus-group gnus-undo gnus-start gnus-cloud nnimap
nnmail mail-source utf7 netrc nnoo gnus-spec gnus-int gnus-range message
rmc puny dired dired-loaddefs rfc822 mml mml-sec epa derived epg
mm-decode mm-bodies mm-encode mail-parse rfc2231 mailabbrev gmm-utils
mailheader gnus-win gnus wid-edit nnheader gnus-util rmail
rmail-loaddefs rfc2047 rfc2045 ietf-drums time-date mm-util mail-prsvr
mail-utils edmacro kmacro subr-x auto-package-update easy-mmode dash
cl-extra help-mode use-package-ensure use-package-core tramp
tramp-loaddefs trampver tramp-compat ucs-normalize shell pcomplete
comint ansi-color ring parse-time format-spec advice mule-util info
finder-inf package easymenu epg-config url-handlers url-parse
auth-source cl-seq eieio eieio-core cl-macs eieio-loaddefs
password-cache json map url-vars seq byte-opt gv bytecomp byte-compile
cconv cl-loaddefs cl-lib tooltip cus-start eldoc electric uniquify
ediff-hook vc-hooks lisp-float-type mwheel term/x-win x-win
term/common-win x-dnd tool-bar dnd fontset image regexp-opt fringe
tabulated-list replace newcomment text-mode elisp-mode lisp-mode
prog-mode register page menu-bar rfn-eshadow isearch timer select
scroll-bar mouse jit-lock font-lock syntax facemenu font-core
term/tty-colors frame cl-generic cham georgian utf-8-lang misc-lang
vietnamese tibetan thai tai-viet lao korean japanese eucjp-ms cp51932
hebrew greek romanian slovak czech european ethiopic indian cyrillic
chinese composite charscript charprop case-table epa-hook jka-cmpr-hook
help simple abbrev obarray minibuffer cl-preloaded nadvice loaddefs
button faces cus-face macroexp files text-properties overlay sha1 md5
base64 format env code-pages mule custom widget hashtable-print-readable
backquote threads dbusbind inotify lcms2 dynamic-setting
system-font-setting font-render-setting move-toolbar gtk x-toolkit x
multi-tty make-network-process emacs)

Memory information:
((conses 16 1246411 166211)
 (symbols 48 61130 10)
 (strings 32 278023 65519)
 (string-bytes 1 8499408)
 (vectors 16 111235)
 (vector-slots 8 2467707 127906)
 (floats 8 5936 1049)
 (intervals 56 44049 638)
 (buffers 992 51))

^ permalink raw reply	[flat|nested] 23+ messages in thread

end of thread, other threads:[~2022-05-02  8:04 UTC | newest]

Thread overview: 23+ messages (download: mbox.gz follow: Atom feed
-- links below jump to the message on this page --
2019-01-16  7:42 bug#34094: 27.0.50; (wrong-type-argument stringp (require . elec-pair)) with describe-function (and other commands) Tassilo Horn
2019-01-16 10:36 ` Glenn Morris
2019-01-16 10:38 ` Tassilo Horn
2019-01-16 10:56   ` Tassilo Horn
2019-01-16 18:43     ` Tassilo Horn
2019-01-16 19:20       ` Eli Zaretskii
2019-01-17  5:52         ` Tassilo Horn
2019-01-17 13:40           ` Eli Zaretskii
2019-01-17 16:46             ` Tassilo Horn
2019-01-17 19:29               ` Daniel Colascione
2019-01-18  5:40                 ` Tassilo Horn
2019-01-16 19:40       ` Daniel Colascione
2019-01-17  5:27         ` Tassilo Horn
2019-01-16 11:14   ` Robert Pluim
2020-02-17 15:07 ` Stefan Monnier
2020-02-17 15:31   ` Tassilo Horn
2020-02-17 16:33     ` Stefan Monnier
2020-02-17 17:34       ` Eli Zaretskii
2020-02-17 21:33         ` Stefan Monnier
2022-05-01 10:57         ` bug#34094: bug#34178: 27.0.50; Tramp not responding correctly to "/scp:slc:" syntax Lars Ingebrigtsen
2022-05-02  4:56           ` Tassilo Horn
2022-05-02  8:04             ` Lars Ingebrigtsen
2020-08-12  4:35 ` bug#34094: 27.0.50; (wrong-type-argument stringp (require . elec-pair)) with describe-function (and other commands) Xdkkz Lpwjd

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