;;; em-cmpl-tests.el --- em-cmpl test suite -*- lexical-binding:t -*-
;; Copyright (C) 2023 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.
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;;; Commentary:
;; Tests for Eshell's interactive completion.
;;; Code:
(require 'ert)
(require 'eshell)
(require 'em-cmpl)
(require 'em-dirs)
(require 'em-hist)
(require 'em-tramp)
(require 'em-unix)
(require 'eshell-tests-helpers
(expand-file-name "eshell-tests-helpers"
(file-name-directory (or load-file-name
(defvar eshell-test-value nil)
(defun eshell-insert-and-complete (input)
"Insert INPUT and invoke completion, returning the result."
(insert input)
(defun eshell-arguments-equal (actual expected)
"Return t if ACTUAL and EXPECTED are equal, including properties of strings.
ACTUAL and EXPECTED should both be lists of strings."
(when (length= actual (length expected))
(catch 'not-equal
(cl-mapc (lambda (i j)
(unless (equal-including-properties i j)
(throw 'not-equal nil)))
actual expected)
(defun eshell-arguments-equal--equal-explainer (actual expected)
"Explain the result of `eshell-arguments-equal'."
(actual ,actual)
(expected ,expected)))
(put 'eshell-arguments-equal 'ert-explainer
;;; Tests:
(ert-deftest em-cmpl-test/parse-arguments/pipeline ()
"Test that parsing arguments for completion discards earlier commands."
(let ((eshell-test-value '("foo" "bar")))
(insert "echo hi | cat")
(should (eshell-arguments-equal
(car (eshell-complete-parse-arguments))
(ert-deftest em-cmpl-test/parse-arguments/multiple-dots ()
"Test parsing arguments with multiple dots like \".../\"."
(insert "echo .../file.txt")
(should (eshell-arguments-equal
(car (eshell-complete-parse-arguments))
`("echo" ,(propertize "../../file.txt"
(ert-deftest em-cmpl-test/parse-arguments/variable/numeric ()
"Test parsing arguments with a numeric variable interpolation."
(let ((eshell-test-value 42))
(insert "echo $eshell-test-value")
(should (eshell-arguments-equal
(car (eshell-complete-parse-arguments))
`("echo" ,(propertize "42" 'pcomplete-arg-value 42)))))))
(ert-deftest em-cmpl-test/parse-arguments/variable/nil ()
"Test parsing arguments with a nil variable interpolation."
(let ((eshell-test-value nil))
(insert "echo $eshell-test-value")
(should (eshell-arguments-equal
(car (eshell-complete-parse-arguments))
`("echo" ,(propertize "" 'pcomplete-arg-value nil)))))))
(ert-deftest em-cmpl-test/parse-arguments/variable/list ()
"Test parsing arguments with a list variable interpolation."
(let ((eshell-test-value '("foo" "bar")))
(insert "echo $eshell-test-value")
(should (eshell-arguments-equal
(car (eshell-complete-parse-arguments))
`("echo" ,(propertize "(\"foo\" \"bar\")"
(ert-deftest em-cmpl-test/parse-arguments/variable/splice ()
"Test parsing arguments with a spliced variable interpolation."
(let ((eshell-test-value '("foo" "bar")))
(insert "echo $@eshell-test-value")
(should (eshell-arguments-equal
(car (eshell-complete-parse-arguments))
'("echo" "foo" "bar"))))))
(ert-deftest em-cmpl-test/parse-arguments/unevaluated-subcommand ()
"Test that subcommands return a stub when parsing for completion."
(insert "echo {echo hi}")
(should (eshell-arguments-equal
(car (eshell-complete-parse-arguments))
`("echo" ,(eshell-argument-stub 'subcommand)))))
(insert "echo ${echo hi}")
(should (eshell-arguments-equal
(car (eshell-complete-parse-arguments))
`("echo" ,(propertize (eshell-argument-stub 'subcommand)
'escaped t))))))
(ert-deftest em-cmpl-test/parse-arguments/unevaluated-lisp-form ()
"Test that Lisp forms return a stub when parsing for completion."
(insert "echo (concat \"hi\")")
(should (eshell-arguments-equal
(car (eshell-complete-parse-arguments))
`("echo" ,(eshell-argument-stub 'lisp)))))
(insert "echo $(concat \"hi\")")
(should (eshell-arguments-equal
(car (eshell-complete-parse-arguments))
`("echo" ,(propertize (eshell-argument-stub 'lisp)
'escaped t))))))
(ert-deftest em-cmpl-test/file-completion/unique ()
"Test completion of file names when there's a unique result."
(ert-with-temp-directory default-directory
(write-region nil nil (expand-file-name "file.txt"))
(should (equal (eshell-insert-and-complete "echo fi")
"echo file.txt ")))))
(ert-deftest em-cmpl-test/file-completion/non-unique ()
"Test completion of file names when there are multiple results."
(ert-with-temp-directory default-directory
(write-region nil nil (expand-file-name "file.txt"))
(write-region nil nil (expand-file-name "file.el"))
(should (equal (eshell-insert-and-complete "echo fi")
"echo file."))
;; Now try completing again.
(let ((minibuffer-message-timeout 0)
(inhibit-message t))
;; FIXME: We can't use `current-message' here.
(with-current-buffer (messages-buffer)
(goto-char (point-max))
(forward-line -1)
(should (looking-at "Complete, but not unique")))))))
(ert-deftest em-cmpl-test/file-completion/glob ()
"Test completion of file names using a glob."
(ert-with-temp-directory default-directory
(write-region nil nil (expand-file-name "file.txt"))
(write-region nil nil (expand-file-name "file.el"))
(should (equal (eshell-insert-and-complete "echo fi*.el")
"echo file.el ")))))
(ert-deftest em-cmpl-test/file-completion/after-list ()
"Test completion of file names after previous list arguments.
See bug#59956."
(ert-with-temp-directory default-directory
(write-region nil nil (expand-file-name "file.txt"))
(should (equal (eshell-insert-and-complete "echo (list 1 2) fi")
"echo (list 1 2) file.txt ")))))
(ert-deftest em-cmpl-test/command-completion ()
"Test completion of command names like \"command\"."
(should (equal (eshell-insert-and-complete "listif")
"listify "))))
(ert-deftest em-cmpl-test/subcommand-completion ()
"Test completion of command names like \"{command}\"."
(should (equal (eshell-insert-and-complete "{ listif")
"{ listify ")))
(should (equal (eshell-insert-and-complete "echo ${ listif")
"echo ${ listify "))))
(ert-deftest em-cmpl-test/lisp-symbol-completion ()
"Test completion of Lisp forms like \"#'symbol\" and \"`symbol\".
See ."
(should (equal (eshell-insert-and-complete "echo #'system-nam")
"echo #'system-name ")))
(should (equal (eshell-insert-and-complete "echo `system-nam")
"echo `system-name "))))
(ert-deftest em-cmpl-test/lisp-function-completion ()
"Test completion of Lisp forms like \"(func)\".
See ."
(should (equal (eshell-insert-and-complete "echo (eshell/ech")
"echo (eshell/echo")))
(should (equal (eshell-insert-and-complete "echo $(eshell/ech")
"echo $(eshell/echo"))))
(ert-deftest em-cmpl-test/special-ref-completion/type ()
"Test completion of the start of special references like \"#."
(should (equal (eshell-insert-and-complete "echo hi > # # # #\".
See ."
(let (bufname)
(setq bufname (rename-buffer "my-buffer" t))
(should (equal (eshell-insert-and-complete "echo hi > # #<%s> " bufname))))
(setq bufname (rename-buffer "another buffer" t))
(should (equal (eshell-insert-and-complete "echo hi > # #<%s> "
(string-replace " " "\\ " bufname))))))))
(ert-deftest em-cmpl-test/special-ref-completion/buffer ()
"Test completion of special references like \"#\".
See ."
(let (bufname)
(setq bufname (rename-buffer "my-buffer" t))
(should (equal (eshell-insert-and-complete "echo hi > # # " bufname))))
(setq bufname (rename-buffer "another buffer" t))
(should (equal (eshell-insert-and-complete "echo hi > # # "
(string-replace " " "\\ " bufname))))))))
(ert-deftest em-cmpl-test/variable-ref-completion ()
"Test completion of variable references like \"$var\".
See ."
(should (equal (eshell-insert-and-complete "echo $system-nam")
"echo $system-name "))))
(ert-deftest em-cmpl-test/quoted-variable-ref-completion ()
"Test completion of variable references like \"$'var'\".
See ."
(should (equal (eshell-insert-and-complete "echo $'system-nam")
"echo $'system-name' ")))
(should (equal (eshell-insert-and-complete "echo $\"system-nam")
"echo $\"system-name\" "))))
(ert-deftest em-cmpl-test/variable-ref-completion/directory ()
"Test completion of variable references that expand to directories.
See ."
(should (equal (eshell-insert-and-complete "echo $PW")
"echo $PWD/")))
(let ((minibuffer-message-timeout 0)
(inhibit-message t))
(should (equal (eshell-insert-and-complete "echo $PWD")
"echo $PWD/"))))
(should (equal (eshell-insert-and-complete "echo $'PW")
"echo $'PWD'/"))))
(ert-deftest em-cmpl-test/variable-assign-completion ()
"Test completion of variable assignments like \"var=value\".
See ."
(ert-with-temp-directory default-directory
(write-region nil nil (expand-file-name "file.txt"))
(should (equal (eshell-insert-and-complete "VAR=f")
"VAR=file.txt ")))))
(ert-deftest em-cmpl-test/variable-assign-completion/non-assignment ()
"Test completion of things that look like variable assignment, but aren't.
For example, the second argument in \"tar --directory=dir\" looks
like it could be a variable assignment, but it's not. We should
let `pcomplete/tar' handle it instead.
See ."
(ert-with-temp-directory default-directory
(write-region nil nil (expand-file-name "file.txt"))
(make-directory "dir")
(should (equal (eshell-insert-and-complete "tar --directory=")
"tar --directory=dir/")))))
(ert-deftest em-cmpl-test/user-ref-completion ()
"Test completion of user references like \"~user\".
See ."
(cl-letf (((symbol-function 'eshell-read-user-names)
(lambda () (setq eshell-user-names '((1234 . "user"))))))
(should (equal (eshell-insert-and-complete "echo ~us")
"echo ~user/"))))
;; Clear the cached user names we set above.
(setq eshell-user-names nil)))
;;; em-cmpl-tests.el ends here