On 19 March, 2003, I posted a note: Emacs M-x gdb does not correlate CYGWIN symlinks to source files to cygwin@cygwin.com. The suggestion was, "use CYGWIN Emacs". (I tried it but stayed with Gnu.) I just tried this once more, but in a very simple environment (no symbolic links of any kind). When a break triggers in "test.c", Emacs opens a buffer, "test.c<2>" on mythical file "c:/cygwin/c/...test.c". It appears that Emacs helpfully added the missing drive letter. I suggest that if Emacs did not add the drive letter when the /cygdrive notation is present (on a system with CYGWIN installed), then Gnu Emacs, CYGWIN and gdb would all play together straight out of the box. (Of course, I could just be doing something horribly wrong, since I cannot imagine that I am the first to tread this path and, no, I can't really believe this doesn't work.) Cheers, Keith