* bug#73310: tree-sitter makes cpu 100%
@ 2024-09-17 1:27 vinurs
2024-09-17 12:29 ` Eli Zaretskii
0 siblings, 1 reply; 15+ messages in thread
From: vinurs @ 2024-09-17 1:27 UTC (permalink / raw)
To: 73310
[-- Attachment #1.1: Type: text/plain, Size: 814 bytes --]
I am using the latest emacs-30 https://github.com/emacs-mirror/emacs/commit/c6077015894dd89c5aa3811bf55d3124394874d0
The min configuration is as follows:
(add-to-list 'treesit-extra-load-path (expand-file-name "tree-sitter/" user-emacs-directory))
(add-to-list 'load-path "~/.emacs.d/site-lisp/clojure-ts-mode”)
(require 'clojure-ts-mode)
;; debug
(setq debug-on-quit t)
and I only use clojure-ts-mode package
cd ~/.emacs.d/site-lisp
git clone https://github.com/clojure-emacs/clojure-ts-mode.git
Then, after opening Emacs, Open the elong.clj file,
After moving to line 52, delete all the characters following :error-code, then quickly press the spacebar twice. At this point, it freezes.
Haiyuan Zhang, Vinurs
BinaryBrain LLC
[-- Attachment #1.2: Type: text/html, Size: 1598 bytes --]
[-- Attachment #2: elong.clj --]
[-- Type: application/octet-stream, Size: 4847 bytes --]
(ns server.app.web.routes.hotel-sync.elong-hotel-res
(:refer-clojure :exclude [])
[clojure.tools.logging :as log]
[java-time.api :as java-time]
[server.app.web.routes.hotel-sync.auth :refer [verify-credentials]]
[server.app.web.routes.hotel-sync.elong-errors :refer [elong-cancel-errors]]
[server.app.web.routes.hotel-sync.tools :refer [generate-order-number
(defn- prepare-success-resp-data
[{:keys [root-tag-info] :as parsed-req}]
(let [{:keys [version echo-token requestor-type requestor-id]} root-tag-info
{:keys [unique-id]} parsed-req]
(log/info "hahahah" unique-id)
{;; 和RQ指令的值一致
:version version
;; 时间戳
:timestamp (java-time/format "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss" (java-time/local-date-time))
;; 版本,1.000或2.000
:echo-token echo-token
;; 请求者类型,这里固定为2,CRO(Customer Reservations Office)
:requestor-type requestor-type
;; 请求者唯一编码
:requestor-id requestor-id
;; 艺龙订单号
:elong-order-id unique-id
;; 确认单号或供应商订单号,10表示酒店确认号或供应商订单号,二选一
:supplier-order-id (generate-order-number)}))
(defn- prepare-failure-resp-data
[{:keys [root-tag-info error-code] :as parsed-req}]
(let [{:keys [version echo-token requestor-type requestor-id]} root-tag-info]
{;; 和RQ指令的值一致
:version version
;; 时间戳
:timestamp (java-time/format "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss" (java-time/local-date-time))
;; 版本,1.000或2.000
:echo-token echo-token
;; 请求者类型,这里固定为2,CRO(Customer Reservations Office)
:requestor-type requestor-type
;; 请求者唯一编码
:requestor-id requestor-id
:error-type 3
:error-code 3211
:error-content (get-in elong-cancel-errors [ 4002 :zh] ) }))
(defn- build-success-resp-map
[{:keys [timestamp version echo-token elong-order-id supplier-order-id
requestor-type requestor-id]}]
{:TimeStamp timestamp
:Version version
:EchoToken echo-token}
{:attrs {:Type requestor-type :ID requestor-id}}}]}}]}}
{:Success {:content "success"}}
{:attrs {:Type "14" :ID elong-order-id}
[{:CompanyName {:content "elong"}}]}}
{:attrs {:Type "10" :ID supplier-order-id}
[{:CompanyName {:content "Jltour"}}]}}]}})
(defn- build-failure-resp-map
[{:keys [timestamp version echo-token error-code error-type error-content
requestor-type requestor-id]}]
{:TimeStamp timestamp
:Version version
:EchoToken echo-token}
{:attrs {:Type requestor-type :ID requestor-id}}}]}}]}}
{:attrs {:Language "en-us" :Type error-type :Code error-code}
:content error-content}}]}}
{:attrs {:Type "10" :ID "0"}
[{:CompanyName {:content "qmango"}}]}}]}})
(defn handle-hotel-res-rq
"处理创建订单请求,返回 xml "
[{:keys [root-tag-info] :as parsed-req}]
(let [{:keys [username password]} root-tag-info
;; 准备东呈下单需要的数据
;; dossen-check-data (prepare-dossen-check-data parsed-req)
(log/info "开始调用东呈下单接口")
(if-not (verify-credentials username password)
(let [resp-data (prepare-failure-resp-data parsed-req)
resp-map (build-failure-resp-map resp-data)]
(map->xml resp-map)
;; 用户名密码校验成功
(let [;; 根据东呈的处理结果
;; dossen-result (check-hotel-price-and-cnt dossen-check-data)
;; room-info (-> dossen-result :data first :activityResvRoomList first)
;; (log/info "东呈下单接口:" dossen-result)
(if true
;; 处理成功的
(let [resp-data (prepare-success-resp-data parsed-req)
resp-map (build-success-resp-map resp-data)]
(log/info "东呈调用成功" resp-map)
(map->xml resp-map))
;; 处理失败的
(let [resp-data (prepare-failure-resp-data parsed-req)
resp-map (build-failure-resp-map resp-data)]
(log/info "东呈调用失败" resp-map)
(map->xml resp-map))))
^ permalink raw reply [flat|nested] 15+ messages in thread
* bug#73310: tree-sitter makes cpu 100%
2024-09-17 1:27 bug#73310: tree-sitter makes cpu 100% vinurs
@ 2024-09-17 12:29 ` Eli Zaretskii
2024-09-19 12:53 ` vinurs
0 siblings, 1 reply; 15+ messages in thread
From: Eli Zaretskii @ 2024-09-17 12:29 UTC (permalink / raw)
To: vinurs, Yuan Fu; +Cc: 73310
> Date: Tue, 17 Sep 2024 09:27:20 +0800
> From: vinurs <hi@vinurs.me>
> I am using the latest emacs-30
> https://github.com/emacs-mirror/emacs/commit/c6077015894dd89c5aa3811bf55d3124394874d0
> The min configuration is as follows:
> (add-to-list 'treesit-extra-load-path (expand-file-name "tree-sitter/" user-emacs-directory))
> (add-to-list 'load-path "~/.emacs.d/site-lisp/clojure-ts-mode”)
> (require 'clojure-ts-mode)
> ;; debug
> (setq debug-on-quit t)
> and I only use clojure-ts-mode package
> cd ~/.emacs.d/site-lisp
> git clone https://github.com/clojure-emacs/clojure-ts-mode.git
> Then, after opening Emacs, Open the elong.clj file,
> After moving to line 52, delete all the characters following :error-code, then quickly press the spacebar twice.
> At this point, it freezes.
AFAICT, it doesn't freeze, it eats up memory like crazy. If you limit
the memory available to the process to some reasonable value, Emacs
will soon enough tell you that memory is exhausted, and will suggest
to save the buffer and exit.
Yuan, can you look into this, please? I'm not sure it's an Emacs bug,
but who knows?
^ permalink raw reply [flat|nested] 15+ messages in thread
* bug#73310: tree-sitter makes cpu 100%
2024-09-17 12:29 ` Eli Zaretskii
@ 2024-09-19 12:53 ` vinurs
2024-09-20 6:50 ` Yuan Fu
0 siblings, 1 reply; 15+ messages in thread
From: vinurs @ 2024-09-19 12:53 UTC (permalink / raw)
To: Yuan Fu, Eli Zaretskii; +Cc: 73310
[-- Attachment #1: Type: text/plain, Size: 1425 bytes --]
Hi Yuan,
Are you able to reproduce this issue?
Haiyuan Zhang, Vinurs
开 2024年9月17日 在 20:29:50, Eli Zaretskii (eliz@gnu.org) 写到:
> Date: Tue, 17 Sep 2024 09:27:20 +0800
> From: vinurs <hi@vinurs.me>
> I am using the latest emacs-30
> https://github.com/emacs-mirror/emacs/commit/c6077015894dd89c5aa3811bf55d3124394874d0
> The min configuration is as follows:
> (add-to-list 'treesit-extra-load-path (expand-file-name "tree-sitter/" user-emacs-directory))
> (add-to-list 'load-path "~/.emacs.d/site-lisp/clojure-ts-mode”)
> (require 'clojure-ts-mode)
> ;; debug
> (setq debug-on-quit t)
> and I only use clojure-ts-mode package
> cd ~/.emacs.d/site-lisp
> git clone https://github.com/clojure-emacs/clojure-ts-mode.git
> Then, after opening Emacs, Open the elong.clj file,
> After moving to line 52, delete all the characters following :error-code, then quickly press the spacebar twice.
> At this point, it freezes.
AFAICT, it doesn't freeze, it eats up memory like crazy. If you limit
the memory available to the process to some reasonable value, Emacs
will soon enough tell you that memory is exhausted, and will suggest
to save the buffer and exit.
Yuan, can you look into this, please? I'm not sure it's an Emacs bug,
but who knows?
[-- Attachment #2: Type: text/html, Size: 2310 bytes --]
^ permalink raw reply [flat|nested] 15+ messages in thread
* bug#73310: tree-sitter makes cpu 100%
2024-09-19 12:53 ` vinurs
@ 2024-09-20 6:50 ` Yuan Fu
2024-11-10 11:22 ` vinurs
0 siblings, 1 reply; 15+ messages in thread
From: Yuan Fu @ 2024-09-20 6:50 UTC (permalink / raw)
To: vinurs; +Cc: 73310, Eli Zaretskii
> On Sep 19, 2024, at 5:53 AM, vinurs <hi@vinurs.me> wrote:
> Hi Yuan,
> Are you able to reproduce this issue?
Yes, I can reproduce this. In fact, it’s not tree-sitter-clojure, but tree-sitter-markdown-inline who caused the hang. I was able to reproduce the hang independently without Emacs. This seems to be the same bug as in https://github.com/tree-sitter/tree-sitter/issues/3620. I’ll update on the GitHub issue with this new repo later.
^ permalink raw reply [flat|nested] 15+ messages in thread
* bug#73310: tree-sitter makes cpu 100%
2024-09-20 6:50 ` Yuan Fu
@ 2024-11-10 11:22 ` vinurs
2024-11-10 11:28 ` Eli Zaretskii
0 siblings, 1 reply; 15+ messages in thread
From: vinurs @ 2024-11-10 11:22 UTC (permalink / raw)
To: Yuan Fu; +Cc: 73310, Eli Zaretskii
[-- Attachment #1: Type: text/plain, Size: 703 bytes --]
Hi Yuan,The release of tree-sitter version 0.24.4 is out, and I tested it; this issue still persists. ------------Sincerely,Haiyuan Zhang, VinursBinaryBrain LLC 开 2024年9月20日 在 14:51:13, Yuan Fu (casouri@gmail.com) 写到:
> On Sep 19, 2024, at 5:53 AM, vinurs <hi@vinurs.me> wrote:
> Hi Yuan,
> Are you able to reproduce this issue?
Yes, I can reproduce this. In fact, it’s not tree-sitter-clojure, but tree-sitter-markdown-inline who caused the hang. I was able to reproduce the hang independently without Emacs. This seems to be the same bug as in https://github.com/tree-sitter/tree-sitter/issues/3620. I’ll update on the GitHub issue with this new repo later.
[-- Attachment #2: Type: text/html, Size: 1526 bytes --]
^ permalink raw reply [flat|nested] 15+ messages in thread
* bug#73310: tree-sitter makes cpu 100%
2024-11-10 11:22 ` vinurs
@ 2024-11-10 11:28 ` Eli Zaretskii
2024-11-10 11:35 ` vinurs
0 siblings, 1 reply; 15+ messages in thread
From: Eli Zaretskii @ 2024-11-10 11:28 UTC (permalink / raw)
To: vinurs; +Cc: 73310, casouri
> Date: Sun, 10 Nov 2024 19:22:24 +0800
> From: vinurs <hi@vinurs.me>
> Cc: 73310@debbugs.gnu.org, Eli Zaretskii <eliz@gnu.org>
> The release of tree-sitter version 0.24.4 is out, and I tested it; this issue still persists.
If you are saying that the fix they installed in tree-sitter didn't
solve the problem, why not take this up with the tree-sitter
^ permalink raw reply [flat|nested] 15+ messages in thread
* bug#73310: tree-sitter makes cpu 100%
2024-11-10 11:28 ` Eli Zaretskii
@ 2024-11-10 11:35 ` vinurs
2024-11-25 1:48 ` Yuan Fu
0 siblings, 1 reply; 15+ messages in thread
From: vinurs @ 2024-11-10 11:35 UTC (permalink / raw)
To: Eli Zaretskii; +Cc: 73310, casouri
[-- Attachment #1: Type: text/plain, Size: 724 bytes --]
Because I saw Yuan’s response in the tree-sitter issue thread stating that this bug had already been fixed, so I'm not sure if it’s the same issue anymore.https://github.com/tree-sitter/tree-sitter/issues/3620 ------------Sincerely,Haiyuan Zhang, VinursBinaryBrain LLC 开 2024年11月10日 在 19:28:55, Eli Zaretskii (eliz@gnu.org) 写到: > Date: Sun, 10 Nov 2024 19:22:24 +0800
> From: vinurs <hi@vinurs.me>
> Cc: 73310@debbugs.gnu.org, Eli Zaretskii <eliz@gnu.org>
> The release of tree-sitter version 0.24.4 is out, and I tested it; this issue still persists.
If you are saying that the fix they installed in tree-sitter didn't
solve the problem, why not take this up with the tree-sitter
[-- Attachment #2: Type: text/html, Size: 1674 bytes --]
^ permalink raw reply [flat|nested] 15+ messages in thread
* bug#73310: tree-sitter makes cpu 100%
2024-11-10 11:35 ` vinurs
@ 2024-11-25 1:48 ` Yuan Fu
2024-11-25 11:21 ` vinurs
0 siblings, 1 reply; 15+ messages in thread
From: Yuan Fu @ 2024-11-25 1:48 UTC (permalink / raw)
To: vinurs; +Cc: 73310, Eli Zaretskii
> On Nov 10, 2024, at 3:35 AM, vinurs <hi@vinurs.me> wrote:
> Because I saw Yuan’s response in the tree-sitter issue thread stating that this bug had already been fixed, so I'm not sure if it’s the same issue anymore.
> https://github.com/tree-sitter/tree-sitter/issues/3620
> ------------
> Sincerely,
> Haiyuan Zhang, Vinurs
> BinaryBrain LLC
Sorry for the late response. I went over the reproduce recipe again, and at least for me, Emacs doesn’t hang anymore. Maybe your Emacs isn’t picking up the right tree-sitter library?
^ permalink raw reply [flat|nested] 15+ messages in thread
* bug#73310: tree-sitter makes cpu 100%
2024-11-25 1:48 ` Yuan Fu
@ 2024-11-25 11:21 ` vinurs
2024-12-07 12:22 ` Eli Zaretskii
0 siblings, 1 reply; 15+ messages in thread
From: vinurs @ 2024-11-25 11:21 UTC (permalink / raw)
To: Yuan Fu; +Cc: 73310, Eli Zaretskii
[-- Attachment #1: Type: text/plain, Size: 1370 bytes --]
Hi Yuan,I installed tree-sitter version 0.24.4 using brew install tree-sitter. I then tried the following Emacs versions: 1. emacs-plus@30 2. emacs-plus@31 3. Emacs-pretest-30.0.92-universal.dmg(https://emacsformacosx.com/emacs-builds/Emacs-pretest-30.0.92-universal.dmg) 4. Compiled Emacs myself with the following configuration: ./configure --with-tree-sitter=/opt/homebrew/opt/tree-sitter --with-native-compI attempted to reproduce the issue using the following steps: Move to line 52. Delete all characters following :error-code. Quickly press the spacebar twice. At this point, Emacs freezes. The issue persists across all versions and builds. ------------Sincerely,Haiyuan Zhang, VinursBinaryBrain LLC 开 2024年11月25日 在 09:48:30, Yuan Fu (casouri@gmail.com) 写到:
> On Nov 10, 2024, at 3:35 AM, vinurs <hi@vinurs.me> wrote:
> Because I saw Yuan’s response in the tree-sitter issue thread stating that this bug had already been fixed, so I'm not sure if it’s the same issue anymore.
> https://github.com/tree-sitter/tree-sitter/issues/3620
> ------------
> Sincerely,
> Haiyuan Zhang, Vinurs
> BinaryBrain LLC
Sorry for the late response. I went over the reproduce recipe again, and at least for me, Emacs doesn’t hang anymore. Maybe your Emacs isn’t picking up the right tree-sitter library?
[-- Attachment #2: Type: text/html, Size: 3326 bytes --]
^ permalink raw reply [flat|nested] 15+ messages in thread
* bug#73310: tree-sitter makes cpu 100%
2024-11-25 11:21 ` vinurs
@ 2024-12-07 12:22 ` Eli Zaretskii
2024-12-11 7:04 ` Yuan Fu
0 siblings, 1 reply; 15+ messages in thread
From: Eli Zaretskii @ 2024-12-07 12:22 UTC (permalink / raw)
To: vinurs; +Cc: 73310, casouri
Ping! Can anybody reproduce this and debug the problem?
> Date: Mon, 25 Nov 2024 19:21:49 +0800
> From: vinurs <hi@vinurs.me>
> Cc: 73310@debbugs.gnu.org, Eli Zaretskii <eliz@gnu.org>
> Hi Yuan,
> I installed tree-sitter version 0.24.4 using brew install tree-sitter.
> I then tried the following Emacs versions:
> 1. emacs-plus@30
> 2. emacs-plus@31
> 3. Emacs-pretest-30.0.92-universal.dmg
> (https://emacsformacosx.com/emacs-builds/Emacs-pretest-30.0.92-universal.dmg)
> 4. Compiled Emacs myself with the following configuration:
> ./configure --with-tree-sitter=/opt/homebrew/opt/tree-sitter --with-native-comp
> I attempted to reproduce the issue using the following steps:
> Move to line 52. Delete all characters following :error-code. Quickly press the spacebar twice. At this point,
> Emacs freezes.
> The issue persists across all versions and builds.
> ------------
> Sincerely,
> Haiyuan Zhang, Vinurs
> BinaryBrain LLC
> 开 2024年11月25日 在 09:48:30, Yuan Fu (casouri@gmail.com) 写到:
> > On Nov 10, 2024, at 3:35 AM, vinurs <hi@vinurs.me> wrote:
> >
> > Because I saw Yuan’s response in the tree-sitter issue thread stating that this bug had already been
> fixed, so I'm not sure if it’s the same issue anymore.
> >
> > https://github.com/tree-sitter/tree-sitter/issues/3620
> >
> > ------------
> > Sincerely,
> >
> > Haiyuan Zhang, Vinurs
> > BinaryBrain LLC
> Sorry for the late response. I went over the reproduce recipe again, and at least for me, Emacs
> doesn’t hang anymore. Maybe your Emacs isn’t picking up the right tree-sitter library?
> Yuan
^ permalink raw reply [flat|nested] 15+ messages in thread
* bug#73310: tree-sitter makes cpu 100%
2024-12-07 12:22 ` Eli Zaretskii
@ 2024-12-11 7:04 ` Yuan Fu
2024-12-11 7:44 ` vinurs
0 siblings, 1 reply; 15+ messages in thread
From: Yuan Fu @ 2024-12-11 7:04 UTC (permalink / raw)
To: Eli Zaretskii; +Cc: 73310, vinurs
> On Dec 7, 2024, at 4:22 AM, Eli Zaretskii <eliz@gnu.org> wrote:
> Ping! Can anybody reproduce this and debug the problem?
>> Date: Mon, 25 Nov 2024 19:21:49 +0800
>> From: vinurs <hi@vinurs.me>
>> Cc: 73310@debbugs.gnu.org, Eli Zaretskii <eliz@gnu.org>
>> Hi Yuan,
>> I installed tree-sitter version 0.24.4 using brew install tree-sitter.
>> I then tried the following Emacs versions:
>> 1. emacs-plus@30
>> 2. emacs-plus@31
>> 3. Emacs-pretest-30.0.92-universal.dmg
>> (https://emacsformacosx.com/emacs-builds/Emacs-pretest-30.0.92-universal.dmg)
>> 4. Compiled Emacs myself with the following configuration:
>> ./configure --with-tree-sitter=/opt/homebrew/opt/tree-sitter --with-native-comp
>> I attempted to reproduce the issue using the following steps:
>> Move to line 52. Delete all characters following :error-code. Quickly press the spacebar twice. At this point,
>> Emacs freezes.
>> The issue persists across all versions and builds.
>> ------------
>> Sincerely,
>> Haiyuan Zhang, Vinurs
>> BinaryBrain LLC
>> 开 2024年11月25日 在 09:48:30, Yuan Fu (casouri@gmail.com) 写到:
>>> On Nov 10, 2024, at 3:35 AM, vinurs <hi@vinurs.me> wrote:
>>> Because I saw Yuan’s response in the tree-sitter issue thread stating that this bug had already been
>> fixed, so I'm not sure if it’s the same issue anymore.
>>> https://github.com/tree-sitter/tree-sitter/issues/3620
>>> ------------
>>> Sincerely,
>>> Haiyuan Zhang, Vinurs
>>> BinaryBrain LLC
>> Sorry for the late response. I went over the reproduce recipe again, and at least for me, Emacs
>> doesn’t hang anymore. Maybe your Emacs isn’t picking up the right tree-sitter library?
>> Yuan
I tried again with v0.24.4 and emacs 30, and still can’t reproduce this. Haiyuan, if you run
otool -L <emacs-binary>
What’s the location of libtree-sitter? I’m asking to see if there’s an old tree-sitter library on your system that Emacs is picking up over the new library you installed.
^ permalink raw reply [flat|nested] 15+ messages in thread
* bug#73310: tree-sitter makes cpu 100%
2024-12-11 7:04 ` Yuan Fu
@ 2024-12-11 7:44 ` vinurs
2024-12-11 8:10 ` vinurs
0 siblings, 1 reply; 15+ messages in thread
From: vinurs @ 2024-12-11 7:44 UTC (permalink / raw)
To: Yuan Fu, Eli Zaretskii; +Cc: 73310
[-- Attachment #1: Type: text/plain, Size: 6972 bytes --]
Hi,otool -L /opt/homebrew/Cellar/emacs-plus@31/31.0.50/Emacs.app/Contents/MacOS/Emacs/opt/homebrew/Cellar/emacs-plus@31/31.0.50/Emacs.app/Contents/MacOS/Emacs: /System/Library/Frameworks/AppKit.framework/Versions/C/AppKit (compatibility version 45.0.0, current version 2575.20.19) /System/Library/Frameworks/IOKit.framework/Versions/A/IOKit (compatibility version 1.0.0, current version 275.0.0) /System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Versions/A/Carbon (compatibility version 2.0.0, current version 170.0.0) /System/Library/Frameworks/IOSurface.framework/Versions/A/IOSurface (compatibility version 1.0.0, current version 1.0.0) /System/Library/Frameworks/QuartzCore.framework/Versions/A/QuartzCore (compatibility version 1.2.0, current version 1.11.0) /System/Library/Frameworks/UniformTypeIdentifiers.framework/Versions/A/UniformTypeIdentifiers (compatibility version 1.0.0, current version 709.0.0) /opt/homebrew/opt/libtiff/lib/libtiff.6.dylib (compatibility version 8.0.0, current version 8.0.0) /opt/homebrew/opt/jpeg-turbo/lib/libjpeg.8.dylib (compatibility version 8.0.0, current version 8.3.2) /opt/homebrew/opt/libpng/lib/libpng16.16.dylib (compatibility version 61.0.0, current version 61.0.0) /opt/homebrew/opt/giflib/lib/libgif.dylib (compatibility version 0.0.0, current version 7.2.0) /opt/homebrew/opt/webp/lib/libwebpdemux.2.dylib (compatibility version 3.0.0, current version 3.15.0) /opt/homebrew/opt/webp/lib/libwebpdecoder.3.dylib (compatibility version 5.0.0, current version 5.9.0) /opt/homebrew/opt/librsvg/lib/librsvg-2.2.dylib (compatibility version 53.0.0, current version 53.0.0) /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib (compatibility version 1.0.0, current version 1351.0.0) /opt/homebrew/opt/glib/lib/libgio-2.0.0.dylib (compatibility version 8201.0.0, current version 8201.2.0) /opt/homebrew/opt/gdk-pixbuf/lib/libgdk_pixbuf-2.0.0.dylib (compatibility version 4201.0.0, current version 4201.12.0) /opt/homebrew/opt/glib/lib/libgobject-2.0.0.dylib (compatibility version 8201.0.0, current version 8201.2.0) /opt/homebrew/opt/glib/lib/libglib-2.0.0.dylib (compatibility version 8201.0.0, current version 8201.2.0) /opt/homebrew/opt/gettext/lib/libintl.8.dylib (compatibility version 13.0.0, current version 13.0.0) /opt/homebrew/opt/cairo/lib/libcairo.2.dylib (compatibility version 2.0.0, current version 2.0.0) /opt/homebrew/opt/imagemagick/lib/libMagickWand-7.Q16HDRI.10.dylib (compatibility version 11.0.0, current version 11.2.0) /opt/homebrew/opt/imagemagick/lib/libMagickCore-7.Q16HDRI.10.dylib (compatibility version 11.0.0, current version 11.2.0) /System/Library/Frameworks/WebKit.framework/Versions/A/WebKit (compatibility version 1.0.0, current version 619.2.8) /opt/homebrew/opt/dbus/lib/libdbus-1.3.dylib (compatibility version 36.0.0, current version 36.4.0) /usr/lib/libxml2.2.dylib (compatibility version 10.0.0, current version 10.9.0) /usr/lib/libncurses.5.4.dylib (compatibility version 5.4.0, current version 5.4.0) /opt/homebrew/opt/gnutls/lib/libgnutls.30.dylib (compatibility version 69.0.0, current version 69.0.0) /opt/homebrew/opt/little-cms2/lib/liblcms2.2.dylib (compatibility version 3.0.0, current version 3.16.0) /usr/lib/libz.1.dylib (compatibility version 1.0.0, current version 1.2.12) /opt/homebrew/opt/gmp/lib/libgmp.10.dylib (compatibility version 16.0.0, current version 16.0.0) /opt/homebrew/opt/tree-sitter/lib/libtree-sitter.0.24.dylib (compatibility version 0.0.0, current version 0.0.0) /opt/homebrew/opt/sqlite/lib/libsqlite3.0.dylib (compatibility version 9.0.0, current version 9.6.0) /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/Versions/A/CoreFoundation (compatibility version 150.0.0, current version 3107.0.0) /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreGraphics.framework/Versions/A/CoreGraphics (compatibility version 64.0.0, current version 1883.1.10) /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Versions/A/CoreServices (compatibility version 1.0.0, current version 1226.0.0) /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreText.framework/Versions/A/CoreText (compatibility version 1.0.0, current version 844.1.0) /System/Library/Frameworks/Foundation.framework/Versions/C/Foundation (compatibility version 300.0.0, current version 3107.0.0) /usr/lib/libobjc.A.dylib (compatibility version 1.0.0, current version 228.0.0) ------------Sincerely,Haiyuan Zhang, VinursBinaryBrain LLC 开 2024年12月11日 在 15:04:40, Yuan Fu (casouri@gmail.com) 写到:
> On Dec 7, 2024, at 4:22 AM, Eli Zaretskii <eliz@gnu.org> wrote:
> Ping! Can anybody reproduce this and debug the problem?
>> Date: Mon, 25 Nov 2024 19:21:49 +0800
>> From: vinurs <hi@vinurs.me>
>> Cc: 73310@debbugs.gnu.org, Eli Zaretskii <eliz@gnu.org>
>> Hi Yuan,
>> I installed tree-sitter version 0.24.4 using brew install tree-sitter.
>> I then tried the following Emacs versions:
>> 1. emacs-plus@30
>> 2. emacs-plus@31
>> 3. Emacs-pretest-30.0.92-universal.dmg
>> (https://emacsformacosx.com/emacs-builds/Emacs-pretest-30.0.92-universal.dmg)
>> 4. Compiled Emacs myself with the following configuration:
>> ./configure --with-tree-sitter=/opt/homebrew/opt/tree-sitter --with-native-comp
>> I attempted to reproduce the issue using the following steps:
>> Move to line 52. Delete all characters following :error-code. Quickly press the spacebar twice. At this point,
>> Emacs freezes.
>> The issue persists across all versions and builds.
>> ------------
>> Sincerely,
>> Haiyuan Zhang, Vinurs
>> BinaryBrain LLC
>> 开 2024年11月25日 在 09:48:30, Yuan Fu (casouri@gmail.com) 写到:
>>> On Nov 10, 2024, at 3:35 AM, vinurs <hi@vinurs.me> wrote:
>>> Because I saw Yuan’s response in the tree-sitter issue thread stating that this bug had already been
>> fixed, so I'm not sure if it’s the same issue anymore.
>>> https://github.com/tree-sitter/tree-sitter/issues/3620
>>> ------------
>>> Sincerely,
>>> Haiyuan Zhang, Vinurs
>>> BinaryBrain LLC
>> Sorry for the late response. I went over the reproduce recipe again, and at least for me, Emacs
>> doesn’t hang anymore. Maybe your Emacs isn’t picking up the right tree-sitter library?
>> Yuan
I tried again with v0.24.4 and emacs 30, and still can’t reproduce this. Haiyuan, if you run
otool -L <emacs-binary>
What’s the location of libtree-sitter? I’m asking to see if there’s an old tree-sitter library on your system that Emacs is picking up over the new library you installed.
[-- Attachment #2: Type: text/html, Size: 11335 bytes --]
^ permalink raw reply [flat|nested] 15+ messages in thread
* bug#73310: tree-sitter makes cpu 100%
2024-12-11 7:44 ` vinurs
@ 2024-12-11 8:10 ` vinurs
2024-12-12 4:52 ` Yuan Fu
0 siblings, 1 reply; 15+ messages in thread
From: vinurs @ 2024-12-11 8:10 UTC (permalink / raw)
To: Yuan Fu, Eli Zaretskii; +Cc: 73310
[-- Attachment #1: Type: text/plain, Size: 7156 bytes --]
Hi,I checked the md5 ------------Sincerely,Haiyuan Zhang, VinursBinaryBrain LLC 开 2024年12月11日 在 15:44:04, vinurs (hi@vinurs.me) 写到:
Hi,otool -L /opt/homebrew/Cellar/emacs-plus@31/31.0.50/Emacs.app/Contents/MacOS/Emacs/opt/homebrew/Cellar/emacs-plus@31/31.0.50/Emacs.app/Contents/MacOS/Emacs: /System/Library/Frameworks/AppKit.framework/Versions/C/AppKit (compatibility version 45.0.0, current version 2575.20.19) /System/Library/Frameworks/IOKit.framework/Versions/A/IOKit (compatibility version 1.0.0, current version 275.0.0) /System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Versions/A/Carbon (compatibility version 2.0.0, current version 170.0.0) /System/Library/Frameworks/IOSurface.framework/Versions/A/IOSurface (compatibility version 1.0.0, current version 1.0.0) /System/Library/Frameworks/QuartzCore.framework/Versions/A/QuartzCore (compatibility version 1.2.0, current version 1.11.0) /System/Library/Frameworks/UniformTypeIdentifiers.framework/Versions/A/UniformTypeIdentifiers (compatibility version 1.0.0, current version 709.0.0) /opt/homebrew/opt/libtiff/lib/libtiff.6.dylib (compatibility version 8.0.0, current version 8.0.0) /opt/homebrew/opt/jpeg-turbo/lib/libjpeg.8.dylib (compatibility version 8.0.0, current version 8.3.2) /opt/homebrew/opt/libpng/lib/libpng16.16.dylib (compatibility version 61.0.0, current version 61.0.0) /opt/homebrew/opt/giflib/lib/libgif.dylib (compatibility version 0.0.0, current version 7.2.0) /opt/homebrew/opt/webp/lib/libwebpdemux.2.dylib (compatibility version 3.0.0, current version 3.15.0) /opt/homebrew/opt/webp/lib/libwebpdecoder.3.dylib (compatibility version 5.0.0, current version 5.9.0) /opt/homebrew/opt/librsvg/lib/librsvg-2.2.dylib (compatibility version 53.0.0, current version 53.0.0) /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib (compatibility version 1.0.0, current version 1351.0.0) /opt/homebrew/opt/glib/lib/libgio-2.0.0.dylib (compatibility version 8201.0.0, current version 8201.2.0) /opt/homebrew/opt/gdk-pixbuf/lib/libgdk_pixbuf-2.0.0.dylib (compatibility version 4201.0.0, current version 4201.12.0) /opt/homebrew/opt/glib/lib/libgobject-2.0.0.dylib (compatibility version 8201.0.0, current version 8201.2.0) /opt/homebrew/opt/glib/lib/libglib-2.0.0.dylib (compatibility version 8201.0.0, current version 8201.2.0) /opt/homebrew/opt/gettext/lib/libintl.8.dylib (compatibility version 13.0.0, current version 13.0.0) /opt/homebrew/opt/cairo/lib/libcairo.2.dylib (compatibility version 2.0.0, current version 2.0.0) /opt/homebrew/opt/imagemagick/lib/libMagickWand-7.Q16HDRI.10.dylib (compatibility version 11.0.0, current version 11.2.0) /opt/homebrew/opt/imagemagick/lib/libMagickCore-7.Q16HDRI.10.dylib (compatibility version 11.0.0, current version 11.2.0) /System/Library/Frameworks/WebKit.framework/Versions/A/WebKit (compatibility version 1.0.0, current version 619.2.8) /opt/homebrew/opt/dbus/lib/libdbus-1.3.dylib (compatibility version 36.0.0, current version 36.4.0) /usr/lib/libxml2.2.dylib (compatibility version 10.0.0, current version 10.9.0) /usr/lib/libncurses.5.4.dylib (compatibility version 5.4.0, current version 5.4.0) /opt/homebrew/opt/gnutls/lib/libgnutls.30.dylib (compatibility version 69.0.0, current version 69.0.0) /opt/homebrew/opt/little-cms2/lib/liblcms2.2.dylib (compatibility version 3.0.0, current version 3.16.0) /usr/lib/libz.1.dylib (compatibility version 1.0.0, current version 1.2.12) /opt/homebrew/opt/gmp/lib/libgmp.10.dylib (compatibility version 16.0.0, current version 16.0.0) /opt/homebrew/opt/tree-sitter/lib/libtree-sitter.0.24.dylib (compatibility version 0.0.0, current version 0.0.0) /opt/homebrew/opt/sqlite/lib/libsqlite3.0.dylib (compatibility version 9.0.0, current version 9.6.0) /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/Versions/A/CoreFoundation (compatibility version 150.0.0, current version 3107.0.0) /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreGraphics.framework/Versions/A/CoreGraphics (compatibility version 64.0.0, current version 1883.1.10) /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Versions/A/CoreServices (compatibility version 1.0.0, current version 1226.0.0) /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreText.framework/Versions/A/CoreText (compatibility version 1.0.0, current version 844.1.0) /System/Library/Frameworks/Foundation.framework/Versions/C/Foundation (compatibility version 300.0.0, current version 3107.0.0) /usr/lib/libobjc.A.dylib (compatibility version 1.0.0, current version 228.0.0) ------------Sincerely,Haiyuan Zhang, VinursBinaryBrain LLC 开 2024年12月11日 在 15:04:40, Yuan Fu (casouri@gmail.com) 写到:
> On Dec 7, 2024, at 4:22 AM, Eli Zaretskii <eliz@gnu.org> wrote:
> Ping! Can anybody reproduce this and debug the problem?
>> Date: Mon, 25 Nov 2024 19:21:49 +0800
>> From: vinurs <hi@vinurs.me>
>> Cc: 73310@debbugs.gnu.org, Eli Zaretskii <eliz@gnu.org>
>> Hi Yuan,
>> I installed tree-sitter version 0.24.4 using brew install tree-sitter.
>> I then tried the following Emacs versions:
>> 1. emacs-plus@30
>> 2. emacs-plus@31
>> 3. Emacs-pretest-30.0.92-universal.dmg
>> (https://emacsformacosx.com/emacs-builds/Emacs-pretest-30.0.92-universal.dmg)
>> 4. Compiled Emacs myself with the following configuration:
>> ./configure --with-tree-sitter=/opt/homebrew/opt/tree-sitter --with-native-comp
>> I attempted to reproduce the issue using the following steps:
>> Move to line 52. Delete all characters following :error-code. Quickly press the spacebar twice. At this point,
>> Emacs freezes.
>> The issue persists across all versions and builds.
>> ------------
>> Sincerely,
>> Haiyuan Zhang, Vinurs
>> BinaryBrain LLC
>> 开 2024年11月25日 在 09:48:30, Yuan Fu (casouri@gmail.com) 写到:
>>> On Nov 10, 2024, at 3:35 AM, vinurs <hi@vinurs.me> wrote:
>>> Because I saw Yuan’s response in the tree-sitter issue thread stating that this bug had already been
>> fixed, so I'm not sure if it’s the same issue anymore.
>>> https://github.com/tree-sitter/tree-sitter/issues/3620
>>> ------------
>>> Sincerely,
>>> Haiyuan Zhang, Vinurs
>>> BinaryBrain LLC
>> Sorry for the late response. I went over the reproduce recipe again, and at least for me, Emacs
>> doesn’t hang anymore. Maybe your Emacs isn’t picking up the right tree-sitter library?
>> Yuan
I tried again with v0.24.4 and emacs 30, and still can’t reproduce this. Haiyuan, if you run
otool -L <emacs-binary>
What’s the location of libtree-sitter? I’m asking to see if there’s an old tree-sitter library on your system that Emacs is picking up over the new library you installed.
[-- Attachment #2.1: Type: text/html, Size: 12528 bytes --]
[-- Attachment #2.2: CleanShot 2024-12-11 at 16.07.55@2x.png --]
[-- Type: image/png, Size: 154487 bytes --]
^ permalink raw reply [flat|nested] 15+ messages in thread
* bug#73310: tree-sitter makes cpu 100%
2024-12-11 8:10 ` vinurs
@ 2024-12-12 4:52 ` Yuan Fu
2024-12-18 15:22 ` vinurs
0 siblings, 1 reply; 15+ messages in thread
From: Yuan Fu @ 2024-12-12 4:52 UTC (permalink / raw)
To: vinurs; +Cc: 73310, Eli Zaretskii
> On Dec 11, 2024, at 12:10 AM, vinurs <hi@vinurs.me> wrote:
> Hi,
> I checked the md5<CleanShot 2024-12-11 at 16.07.55@2x.png>
Thanks for your patience on this. And actually, you’re right. I can reproduce this now. I couldn’t reproduce it before because I was pressing space too fast. I was messing around with the reproduce steps and found that if I press the two spaces slower, I can reliably reproduce this.
This is baffling because the C reproduce program I built to exactly replicate this recipe doesn’t hang after the fix in tree-sitter. Once I figure out why I’ll send another bug report to tree-sitter. And sorry that this wasn’t fixed.
^ permalink raw reply [flat|nested] 15+ messages in thread
* bug#73310: tree-sitter makes cpu 100%
2024-12-12 4:52 ` Yuan Fu
@ 2024-12-18 15:22 ` vinurs
0 siblings, 0 replies; 15+ messages in thread
From: vinurs @ 2024-12-18 15:22 UTC (permalink / raw)
To: Yuan Fu; +Cc: 73310, Eli Zaretskii
[-- Attachment #1: Type: text/plain, Size: 1026 bytes --]
Has there been any progress on this issue? It has been troubling me for a long time. My Emacs basically freezes every few minutes, and I have to restart Emacs.
Haiyuan Zhang, Vinurs
BinaryBrain LLC
开 2024年12月12日 在 12:52:35, Yuan Fu (casouri@gmail.com) 写到:
> On Dec 11, 2024, at 12:10 AM, vinurs <hi@vinurs.me> wrote:
> Hi,
> I checked the md5<CleanShot 2024-12-11 at 16.07.55@2x.png>
Thanks for your patience on this. And actually, you’re right. I can reproduce this now. I couldn’t reproduce it before because I was pressing space too fast. I was messing around with the reproduce steps and found that if I press the two spaces slower, I can reliably reproduce this.
This is baffling because the C reproduce program I built to exactly replicate this recipe doesn’t hang after the fix in tree-sitter. Once I figure out why I’ll send another bug report to tree-sitter. And sorry that this wasn’t fixed.
[-- Attachment #2: Type: text/html, Size: 1810 bytes --]
^ permalink raw reply [flat|nested] 15+ messages in thread
end of thread, other threads:[~2024-12-18 15:22 UTC | newest]
Thread overview: 15+ messages (download: mbox.gz follow: Atom feed
-- links below jump to the message on this page --
2024-09-17 1:27 bug#73310: tree-sitter makes cpu 100% vinurs
2024-09-17 12:29 ` Eli Zaretskii
2024-09-19 12:53 ` vinurs
2024-09-20 6:50 ` Yuan Fu
2024-11-10 11:22 ` vinurs
2024-11-10 11:28 ` Eli Zaretskii
2024-11-10 11:35 ` vinurs
2024-11-25 1:48 ` Yuan Fu
2024-11-25 11:21 ` vinurs
2024-12-07 12:22 ` Eli Zaretskii
2024-12-11 7:04 ` Yuan Fu
2024-12-11 7:44 ` vinurs
2024-12-11 8:10 ` vinurs
2024-12-12 4:52 ` Yuan Fu
2024-12-18 15:22 ` vinurs
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