;; -*- mode: lisp-data; -*- ((nick 10 "NICK tester")) ((user 5 "USER user 0 * :tester") (0.26 ":zirconium.libera.chat NOTICE * :*** Checking Ident") (0.01 ":zirconium.libera.chat NOTICE * :*** Looking up your hostname...") (0.01 ":zirconium.libera.chat NOTICE * :*** No Ident response") (0.02 ":zirconium.libera.chat NOTICE * :*** Found your hostname: static-198-54-131-100.cust.tzulo.com") (0.02 ":zirconium.libera.chat 001 tester :Welcome to the Libera.Chat Internet Relay Chat Network tester") (0.01 ":zirconium.libera.chat 002 tester :Your host is zirconium.libera.chat[], running version solanum-1.0-dev") (0.03 ":zirconium.libera.chat 003 tester :This server was created Wed Jun 9 2021 at 01:38:28 UTC") (0.02 ":zirconium.libera.chat 004 tester zirconium.libera.chat solanum-1.0-dev DGQRSZaghilopsuwz CFILMPQSbcefgijklmnopqrstuvz bkloveqjfI") (0.00 ":zirconium.libera.chat 005 tester ETRACE WHOX FNC MONITOR=100 SAFELIST ELIST=CTU CALLERID=g KNOCK CHANTYPES=# EXCEPTS INVEX CHANMODES=eIbq,k,flj,CFLMPQScgimnprstuz :are supported by this server") (0.03 ":zirconium.libera.chat 005 tester CHANLIMIT=#:250 PREFIX=(ov)@+ MAXLIST=bqeI:100 MODES=4 NETWORK=Libera.Chat STATUSMSG=@+ CASEMAPPING=rfc1459 NICKLEN=16 MAXNICKLEN=16 CHANNELLEN=50 TOPICLEN=390 DEAF=D :are supported by this server") (0.02 ":zirconium.libera.chat 005 tester TARGMAX=NAMES:1,LIST:1,KICK:1,WHOIS:1,PRIVMSG:4,NOTICE:4,ACCEPT:,MONITOR: EXTBAN=$,ajrxz CLIENTVER=3.0 :are supported by this server") (0.02 ":zirconium.libera.chat 251 tester :There are 68 users and 37640 invisible on 25 servers") (0.00 ":zirconium.libera.chat 252 tester 36 :IRC Operators online") (0.01 ":zirconium.libera.chat 253 tester 5 :unknown connection(s)") (0.00 ":zirconium.libera.chat 254 tester 19341 :channels formed") (0.01 ":zirconium.libera.chat 255 tester :I have 3321 clients and 1 servers") (0.01 ":zirconium.libera.chat 265 tester 3321 4289 :Current local users 3321, max 4289") (0.00 ":zirconium.libera.chat 266 tester 37708 38929 :Current global users 37708, max 38929") (0.01 ":zirconium.libera.chat 250 tester :Highest connection count: 4290 (4289 clients) (38580 connections received)") (0.21 ":zirconium.libera.chat 375 tester :- zirconium.libera.chat Message of the Day - ") (0.00 ":zirconium.libera.chat 372 tester :- This server provided by Seeweb ") (0.01 ":zirconium.libera.chat 372 tester :- Welcome to Libera Chat, the IRC network for") (0.01 ":zirconium.libera.chat 372 tester :- free & open-source software and peer directed projects.") (0.00 ":zirconium.libera.chat 372 tester :- ") (0.00 ":zirconium.libera.chat 372 tester :- Use of Libera Chat is governed by our network policies.") (0.00 ":zirconium.libera.chat 372 tester :- ") (0.01 ":zirconium.libera.chat 372 tester :- Please visit us in #libera for questions and support.") (0.01 ":zirconium.libera.chat 372 tester :- ") (0.01 ":zirconium.libera.chat 372 tester :- Website and documentation: https://libera.chat") (0.01 ":zirconium.libera.chat 372 tester :- Webchat: https://web.libera.chat") (0.01 ":zirconium.libera.chat 372 tester :- Network policies: https://libera.chat/policies") (0.01 ":zirconium.libera.chat 372 tester :- Email: support@libera.chat") (0.00 ":zirconium.libera.chat 376 tester :End of /MOTD command.")) ((mode-user 10 "MODE tester +i") (0.02 ":tester MODE tester :+Zi") (0.02 ":NickServ!NickServ@services.libera.chat NOTICE tester :This nickname is registered. Please choose a different nickname, or identify via \2/msg NickServ IDENTIFY tester \2")) ((privmsg 10 "PRIVMSG NickServ :IDENTIFY changeme") (0.96 ":NickServ!NickServ@services.libera.chat NOTICE tester :You are now identified for \2tester\2.") (0.25 ":NickServ!NickServ@services.libera.chat NOTICE tester :Last login from: \2~tester@school.edu/tester\2 on Jun 18 01:15:56 2021 +0000.")) ((quit 10 "QUIT :\2ERC\2") (0.19 ":tester!~user@static-198-54-131-100.cust.tzulo.com QUIT :Client Quit")) ((linger 1 LINGER))