Hello, I am submitting 2 patches that were discussed over on eglot's github issue tracker: https://github.com/joaotavora/eglot/issues/661 Only one of the patches is needed to solve the issue, but I wanted to present both options. The problem occurs when using `xref-find-defintions` while eglot is managing a clojure buffer with clojure-lsp. If the symbol that xref-find-definitions is activated on is defined in a jar file, clojure-lsp by default will provide a location with a response like the following (:jsonrpc "2.0" :id 14 :result (:uri "zipfile:///Users/andreperictavares/.m2/repository/org/clojure/tools.namespace/0.3.1/tools.namespace-0.3.1.jar::clojure/tools/namespace/find.clj" ... )) However, there is a clojure-lsp setting that the maintainers of clojure-lsp would like to make default that changes the URI format to send a response like this (:jsonrpc "2.0" :id 14 :result (:uri "jar:file:///Users/andreperictavares/.m2/repository/org/clojure/tools.namespace/0.3.1/tools.namespace-0.3.1.jar!clojure/tools/namespace/find.clj" ... )). This jar format URI is a common thing used in the JVM world apparently. It is a URI that contains a nested URI. If eglot is provided this kind of URI it needs to parse it TWICE before eglot dispatches the path. If it's only parsed once then emacs ends up trying to navigate using something roughly equivalent to `(find-file "file:///path/to/jar")` which does not work. That is what the patch titled `0001-Parse-jar-scheme-URIs-in-eglot-correctly.patch` fixes. The other patch forces clojure-lsp to use the `zipfile` scheme and avoids the need to parse the URI twice. I prefer the double parsing patch though, as I believe if other language servers for JVM languages use this jar URI scheme, they would also be able to benefit from the patch. I have a very simple repository here that can be used to test the problem here: https://git.sr.ht/~dannyfreeman/eglot-xref-to-jar-repo/tree/main/item/src/user.clj#L4 With clojure and clojure-lsp installed, eglot activated in a buffer visiting that `user.clj` file, the issue can be recreated. This is my first time attempting to contribute to emacs. I am actively going through the process of copyright assignment right now in case it is necessary. Thank you, Danny Freeman