Thanks Lars, it works now that I understand the formatting requirement. Appreciate your help.


On October 27, 2020, 10:08 PM GMT+11 wrote:

Brett Randall <> writes:

> 1 emacs -Q
> 2 M-x edit-abbrevs
> 3 Scroll to last line - (global-abbrev-table)
> 4 Append: "dfn" 0 "definition"
> 5 C-c C-c (removes "modified" flag)
> 6 C-x k
> 7 M-x edit-abbrevs
> 8 Scroll down to last line - abbreviation is not there


The format of that buffer is very specific, though. The entries must be
on the format:


"def" 0 "definition"

with one blank line between the name of the section and the start of the
definitions; neither more nor less. If you do it that way, does the
mode work for you?

In any case, I don't quite see why it's that strict about the format: It
should just grok all the lines between the sections, I think?

(domestic pets only, the antidote for overdose, milk.)
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