I think that hunspell is different. It validates that the dictionary really exists in the beginning of ispell-start-process:

(defun ispell-start-process ()
 "Start the Ispell process, with support for no asynchronous processes.
Keeps argument list for future Ispell invocations for no async support."
 ;; `ispell-current-dictionary' and `ispell-current-personal-dictionary'
 ;; are properly set in `ispell-internal-change-dictionary'.

 ;; Parse hunspell affix file if using hunspell and entry is uninitialized.
 (if ispell-really-hunspell
 (or (cadr (assoc ispell-current-dictionary ispell-dictionary-alist))
 (ispell-hunspell-fill-dictionary-entry ispell-current-dictionary)))

Having seen this, I think that this will only be a problem for ispell and aspell. I just tested the recipe and it works on “emacs -Q”  (I have ispell installed correctly, and emacs defaults to that). 
On Sep 4, 2021, 11:40 AM -0700, Eli Zaretskii <eliz@gnu.org>, wrote:
[Please use Reply All to keep the bug address on the CC list.]

Date: Sat, 4 Sep 2021 11:33:42 -0700
From: Ian W <ian@wahbe.com>

I think it’s a better error message, but that is just my opinion. It tells me that ispell is trying to read an invalid
dictionary file. In my case, I deleted that file and everything started working. I also think it’s the error message
intended to be displayed (by the ispell program and ispell package), as it is the error message designed to
help the user solve their problem.

;; Otherwise, it must be an error message. Show the user.
;; But first wait to see if some more output is going to arrive.
;; Otherwise we get cool errors like "Can't open ".
(sleep-for 1)
(ispell-accept-output 3) ;; <<< This is the line that errors >>>
(error "%s" (mapconcat #'identity ispell-filter "\n"))))

So the intended error message is never displayed.

I’m sorry for not including a repo. I got it consistently because I had a bad file cached by aspell (or maybe
doom). You also get the same message when you didn’t install your dictionaries correctly. This is a problem
in how ispell displays errors, so it’s consistent but only if you already had a real problem with ispell.

To repo:
(setq ispell-local-dictionary-overridden t
ispell-local-dictionary "not-a-dict")

This misconfigures your local dictionary, and ensures that the ispell process will error on start. Then run
ispell-word on any word. Thanks for the prompt response.

With the above recipe, I get:

ispell-phaf: No matching entry for not-a-dict in ‘ispell-hunspell-dict-paths-alist’.

(My speller is Hunspell.)

So does this mean this problem doesn't happen with Hunspell? Ir is
the recipe incomplete or something?