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From: Dmitry Gutov <>
To: Jon Eskin <>
Subject: bug#67687: Feature request: automatic tags management
Date: Sun, 10 Dec 2023 04:41:15 +0200	[thread overview]
Message-ID: <> (raw)
In-Reply-To: <>

[-- Attachment #1: Type: text/plain, Size: 1692 bytes --]

Hi Jon!

On 07/12/2023 21:57, Jon Eskin wrote:

>> I have some related work that's been lying in a drawer as of late.
>> Do you know what gutentags does when a file is deleted, or added externally, or you switch to a different Git branch and many files change their contents at once?
> To my knowledge, changes to tags due to files being added or deleted are regenerated only when vim is started inside the project. Switching to a different git branch should work the same, because it’s only looking at the filesystem.
> If the editor is already running, such changes will not be picked up; even if you try to navigate to a tag that no longer exists, I do not believe that it will regenerate tags automatically until you close and re-open the editor.
> When you save a file inside the editor, it will wipe out tags for that individual file and regenerate them.

All right, sounds like this kind of limited guarantees (tags getting out 
of date occasionally, e.g. when switching branches) is apparently okay.

See attached the aforementioned related work, with some updates and 
simplifications (e.g. this version of the patch doesn't require a change 
to project.el).

Usage: 'M-x etags-regen-mode' to turn it on (or customize this variable, 
to have it on from the beginning of each session), then as soon as you 
use features based on tags (such as M-. or completion) the table should 
get generated automatically for the current project, and then get 
updated when files are edited and saved.

Some features could be added later (such as asynchronous updates or -- 
someday -- filenotify based invalidations), but I think the current 
state is useful already.

Feedback welcome.

[-- Attachment #2: etags-regen.diff --]
[-- Type: text/x-patch, Size: 14311 bytes --]

diff --git a/.dir-locals.el b/.dir-locals.el
index e087aa89cd1..d308591c475 100644
--- a/.dir-locals.el
+++ b/.dir-locals.el
@@ -8,6 +8,12 @@
          (vc-git-annotate-switches . "-w")
          (bug-reference-url-format . "")
 	 (diff-add-log-use-relative-names . t)
+         (etags-regen-lang-regexp-alist
+          .
+          ((("c" "objc") .
+            ("/[ \t]*DEFVAR_[A-Z_ \t(]+\"\\([^\"]+\\)\"/\\1/"
+             "/[ \t]*DEFVAR_[A-Z_ \t(]+\"[^\"]+\",[ \t]\\([A-Za-z0-9_]+\\)/\\1/"))))
+         (etags-regen-ignores . ("test/manual/etags/"))
          (vc-prepare-patches-separately . nil)))
  (c-mode . ((c-file-style . "GNU")
             (c-noise-macro-names . ("INLINE" "NO_INLINE" "ATTRIBUTE_NO_SANITIZE_UNDEFINED"
diff --git a/lisp/progmodes/etags-regen.el b/lisp/progmodes/etags-regen.el
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..ecb6e8ae2c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lisp/progmodes/etags-regen.el
@@ -0,0 +1,355 @@
+;;; etags-regen.el --- Auto-(re)regenerating tags  -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
+;; Copyright (C) 2021, 2023 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+;; Author: Dmitry Gutov <>
+;; Keywords: tools
+;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.
+;; GNU Emacs is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+;; (at your option) any later version.
+;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with GNU Emacs.  If not, see <>.
+;;; Commentary:
+;; Simple tags generation with automatic invalidation.
+;;; Code:
+(require 'cl-lib)
+(defgroup etags-regen nil
+  "Auto-(re)generating tags."
+  :group 'tools)
+(defvar etags-regen--tags-file nil)
+(defvar etags-regen--tags-root nil)
+(defvar etags-regen--new-file nil)
+(declare-function project-root "project")
+(declare-function project-files "project")
+(defcustom etags-regen-program (executable-find "etags")
+  "Name of the etags executable."
+  ;; Always having our 'etags' here would be easier, but we can't
+  ;; always rely on it being installed.  So it might be ctags's etags.
+  :type 'file)
+(defcustom etags-regen-tags-file "TAGS"
+  "Name of the tags file to create inside the project."
+  :type 'string)
+(defcustom etags-regen-program-options nil
+  "List of additional options to pass to the etags program."
+  :type '(repeat string))
+(defcustom etags-regen-lang-regexp-alist nil
+  "Mapping of languages to additional regexps for tags.
+Each language should be one of the recognized by etags, see
+`etags --help'.  Each tag regexp should be a string in the format
+as documented for the `--regex' arguments.
+We support only Emacs's etags program with this option."
+  :type '(repeat
+          (cons
+           :tag "Languages group"
+           (repeat (string :tag "Language name"))
+           (repeat (string :tag "Tag Regexp")))))
+(put 'etags-regen-lang-regexp-alist 'safe-local-variable
+     (lambda (value)
+       (and (listp value)
+            (seq-every-p
+             (lambda (group)
+               (and (consp group)
+                    (listp (car group))
+                    (listp (cdr group))
+                    (seq-every-p
+                     (lambda (lang)
+                       (and (stringp lang)
+                            (string-match-p "\\`[a-z*+]+\\'" lang)))
+                     (car group))
+                    (seq-every-p #'stringp (cdr group))))
+             value))))
+;; XXX: We have to list all extensions: etags falls back to Fortran.
+(defcustom etags-regen-file-extensions
+  '("rb" "js" "py" "pl" "el" "c" "cpp" "cc" "h" "hh" "hpp"
+    "java" "go" "cl" "lisp" "prolog" "php" "erl" "hrl"
+    "F" "f" "f90" "for" "cs" "a" "asm" "ads" "adb" "ada")
+  "Code file extensions.
+File extensions to generate the tags for."
+  :type '(repeat (string :tag "File extension")))
+(put 'etags-regen-file-extensions 'safe-local-variable
+     (lambda (value)
+       (and (listp value)
+            (seq-every-p
+             (lambda (ext)
+               (and (stringp ext)
+                    (string-match-p "\\`[a-zA-Z0-9]+\\'" ext)))
+             value))))
+;; FIXME: Only plain substrings supported currently.
+(defcustom etags-regen-ignores nil
+  "Additional ignore rules, in the format of `project-ignores'."
+  :type '(repeat
+          (string :tag "Glob to ignore")))
+(put 'etags-regen-ignores 'safe-local-variable
+     (lambda (value)
+       (and (listp value)
+            (seq-every-p #'stringp value))))
+(defvar etags-regen--errors-buffer-name "*etags-regen-tags-errors*")
+(defun etags-regen--all-mtimes (proj)
+  (let ((files (etags-regen--all-files proj))
+        (mtimes (make-hash-table :test 'equal))
+        file-name-handler-alist)
+    (dolist (f files)
+      (condition-case nil
+          (puthash f
+                   (file-attribute-modification-time
+                    (file-attributes f))
+                   mtimes)
+        (file-missing nil)))
+    mtimes))
+(defun etags-regen--refresh (proj)
+  (save-excursion
+    (let* ((tags-file (expand-file-name etags-regen-tags-file
+                                        (project-root proj)))
+           (tags-mtime (file-attribute-modification-time
+                        (file-attributes tags-file)))
+           (all-mtimes (etags-regen--all-mtimes proj))
+           added-files
+           changed-files
+           removed-files)
+      (etags-regen--visit-table tags-file (project-root proj))
+      (set-buffer (get-file-buffer tags-file))
+      (dolist (file (tags-table-files))
+        (let ((mtime (gethash file all-mtimes)))
+          (cond
+           ((null mtime)
+            (push file removed-files))
+           ((time-less-p tags-mtime mtime)
+            (push file changed-files)
+            (remhash file all-mtimes))
+           (t
+            (remhash file all-mtimes)))))
+      (maphash
+       (lambda (key _value)
+         (push key added-files))
+       all-mtimes)
+      (if (> (+ (length added-files)
+                (length changed-files)
+                (length removed-files))
+             100)
+          (progn
+            (message "etags-regen: Too many changes, falling back to full rescan")
+            (etags-regen--tags-cleanup))
+        (dolist (file (nconc removed-files changed-files))
+          (etags-regen--remove-tag file))
+        (when (or changed-files added-files)
+          (apply #'etags-regen--append-tags
+                 (nconc changed-files added-files)))
+        (when (or changed-files added-files removed-files)
+          (let ((save-silently t)
+                (message-log-max nil))
+            (save-buffer 0)))))))
+(defun etags-regen--maybe-generate ()
+  (let ((proj))
+    (when (and etags-regen--tags-root
+               (not (file-in-directory-p default-directory
+                                         etags-regen--tags-root)))
+      (etags-regen--tags-cleanup))
+    (when (and (not etags-regen--tags-root)
+               (file-exists-p (expand-file-name
+                               etags-regen-tags-file
+                               (project-root
+                                (setq proj (project-current))))))
+      (message "Found existing tags table, refreshing...")
+      (etags-regen--refresh proj))
+    (when (and (not (or tags-file-name
+                        tags-table-list))
+               (setq proj (or proj (project-current))))
+      (message "Generating new tags table...")
+      (let ((start (time-to-seconds)))
+        (etags-regen--tags-generate proj)
+        (message "...done (%.2f s)" (- (time-to-seconds) start))))))
+(defun etags-regen--all-files (proj)
+  (let* ((root (project-root proj))
+         (default-directory root)
+         ;; TODO: Make the scanning more efficient, e.g. move the
+         ;; filtering by glob to project (project-files-filtered...).
+         (files (project-files proj))
+         (match-re (concat
+                    "\\."
+                    (regexp-opt etags-regen-file-extensions)
+                    "\\'")))
+    (cl-delete-if
+     (lambda (f) (or (not (string-match-p match-re f))
+                ;; FIXME: Handle etags-regen-ignores properly.
+                (string-match-p "/\\.#" f)
+                (cl-some (lambda (ignore) (string-search ignore f))
+                         etags-regen-ignores)))
+     files)))
+(defun etags-regen--tags-generate (proj)
+  (require 'dired)
+  (let* ((root (project-root proj))
+         (default-directory root)
+         (files (etags-regen--all-files proj))
+         (tags-file (expand-file-name etags-regen-tags-file root))
+         (ctags-p (etags-regen--ctags-p))
+         (command (format "%s %s %s - -o %s"
+                          etags-regen-program
+                          (mapconcat #'identity
+                                     (etags-regen--build-program-options ctags-p)
+                                     " ")
+                          ;; ctags's etags requires '-L' for stdin input.
+                          (if ctags-p "-L" "")
+                          tags-file)))
+    (with-temp-buffer
+      (mapc (lambda (f)
+              (insert f "\n"))
+            files)
+      (shell-command-on-region (point-min) (point-max) command
+                               nil nil etags-regen--errors-buffer-name t))
+    (etags-regen--visit-table tags-file root)))
+(defun etags-regen--visit-table (tags-file root)
+  ;; Invalidate the scanned tags after any change is written to disk.
+  (add-hook 'after-save-hook #'etags-regen--update-file)
+  (add-hook 'before-save-hook #'etags-regen--mark-as-new)
+  (setq etags-regen--tags-file tags-file
+        etags-regen--tags-root root)
+  (visit-tags-table etags-regen--tags-file))
+(defun etags-regen--ctags-p ()
+  (string-search "Ctags"
+                 (shell-command-to-string
+                  (format "%s --version" etags-regen-program))))
+(defun etags-regen--build-program-options (ctags-p)
+  (when (and etags-regen-lang-regexp-alist ctags-p)
+    (user-error "etags-regen-lang-regexp-alist is not supported with Ctags"))
+  (nconc
+   (mapcan
+    (lambda (group)
+      (mapcan
+       (lambda (lang)
+         (mapcar (lambda (regexp)
+                   (concat "--regex="
+                           (shell-quote-argument
+                            (format "{%s}%s" lang regexp))))
+                 (cdr group)))
+       (car group)))
+    etags-regen-lang-regexp-alist)
+   etags-regen-program-options))
+(defun etags-regen--update-file ()
+  ;; TODO: Maybe only do this when Emacs is idle for a bit.  Or defer
+  ;; the updates and do them later in bursts when the table is used.
+  (let ((file-name buffer-file-name)
+        (tags-file-buf (get-file-buffer etags-regen--tags-file))
+        pr should-scan)
+    (save-excursion
+      (when tags-file-buf
+        (cond
+         ((and etags-regen--new-file
+               (kill-local-variable 'etags-regen--new-file)
+               (setq pr (project-current))
+               (equal (project-root pr) etags-regen--tags-root)
+               (member file-name (project-files pr)))
+          (set-buffer tags-file-buf)
+          (setq should-scan t))
+         ((progn (set-buffer tags-file-buf)
+                 (etags-regen--remove-tag file-name))
+          (setq should-scan t))))
+      (when should-scan
+        (etags-regen--append-tags file-name)
+        (let ((save-silently t)
+              (message-log-max nil))
+          (save-buffer 0))))))
+(defun etags-regen--remove-tag (file-name)
+  (goto-char (point-min))
+  (when (search-forward (format "\f\n%s," file-name) nil t)
+    (let ((start (match-beginning 0)))
+      (search-forward "\f\n" nil 'move)
+      (let ((inhibit-read-only t))
+        (delete-region start
+                       (if (eobp)
+                           (point)
+                         (- (point) 2)))))
+    t))
+(defun etags-regen--append-tags (&rest file-names)
+  (goto-char (point-max))
+  (let ((options (etags-regen--build-program-options (etags-regen--ctags-p)))
+        (inhibit-read-only t))
+    ;; FIXME: call-process is significantly faster, though.
+    ;; Like 10ms vs 20ms here.
+    (shell-command
+     (format "%s %s %s -o -"
+             etags-regen-program (mapconcat #'identity options " ")
+             (mapconcat #'identity file-names " "))
+     t etags-regen--errors-buffer-name))
+  ;; FIXME: Is there a better way to do this?
+  ;; Completion table is the only remaining place where the
+  ;; update is not incremental.
+  (setq-default tags-completion-table nil))
+(defun etags-regen--mark-as-new ()
+  (unless buffer-file-number
+    (setq-local etags-regen--new-file t)))
+(defun etags-regen--tags-cleanup ()
+  (when etags-regen--tags-file
+    (let ((buffer (get-file-buffer etags-regen--tags-file)))
+      (and buffer
+           (kill-buffer buffer)))
+    (setq tags-file-name nil
+          tags-table-list nil
+          etags-regen--tags-file nil
+          etags-regen--tags-root nil))
+  (remove-hook 'after-save-hook #'etags-regen--update-file)
+  (remove-hook 'before-save-hook #'etags-regen--mark-as-new))
+(define-minor-mode etags-regen-mode
+  "Generate tags automatically."
+  :global t
+  (if etags-regen-mode
+      (progn
+        (advice-add 'etags--xref-backend :before
+                    #'etags-regen--maybe-generate)
+        (advice-add 'tags-completion-at-point-function :before
+                    #'etags-regen--maybe-generate))
+    (advice-remove 'etags--xref-backend #'etags-regen--maybe-generate)
+    (advice-remove 'tags-completion-at-point-function #'etags-regen--maybe-generate)
+    (etags-regen--tags-cleanup)))
+(provide 'etags-regen)
+;;; etags-regen.el ends here

  reply	other threads:[~2023-12-10  2:41 UTC|newest]

Thread overview: 53+ messages / expand[flat|nested]  mbox.gz  Atom feed  top
2023-12-07 11:43 bug#67687: Feature request: automatic tags management Jon Eskin
2023-12-07 15:57 ` Dmitry Gutov
2023-12-07 19:57   ` Jon Eskin
2023-12-10  2:41     ` Dmitry Gutov [this message]
2023-12-10 11:38       ` Jon Eskin
2023-12-20 21:11         ` Jon Eskin
2023-12-21  0:24           ` Dmitry Gutov
2023-12-21  7:40             ` Eli Zaretskii
2023-12-21 16:46               ` Dmitry Gutov
2023-12-21 23:37                 ` Dmitry Gutov
2023-12-24  1:43                   ` Dmitry Gutov
2023-12-28  9:30                     ` Eli Zaretskii
2023-12-30  3:05                       ` Dmitry Gutov
2023-12-30  7:33                         ` Eli Zaretskii
2023-12-30 23:43                           ` Dmitry Gutov
2023-12-31  1:02                             ` Stefan Kangas
2023-12-31 23:29                               ` Dmitry Gutov
2024-01-02  0:40                                 ` Stefan Kangas
2024-01-02  1:31                                   ` Dmitry Gutov
2023-12-31  7:07                             ` Eli Zaretskii
2023-12-31 15:21                               ` Dmitry Gutov
2023-12-29 22:29                     ` Stefan Kangas
2023-12-30  1:50                       ` Dmitry Gutov
2023-12-30 20:31                         ` Stefan Kangas
2023-12-30 22:50                           ` Dmitry Gutov
2023-12-30 23:25                             ` Stefan Kangas
2023-12-30 23:58                               ` Dmitry Gutov
2023-12-31  7:23                                 ` Eli Zaretskii
2023-12-31 15:31                                   ` Dmitry Gutov
2023-12-29 22:17                 ` Stefan Kangas
2023-12-30  1:31                   ` Dmitry Gutov
2023-12-30 20:56                     ` Stefan Kangas
2023-12-30 23:23                       ` Dmitry Gutov
2023-12-31  0:03                         ` Stefan Kangas
2023-12-31  6:34                       ` Eli Zaretskii
2023-12-31  7:22                         ` Stefan Kangas
2023-12-31 15:22                           ` Dmitry Gutov
2023-12-31 15:25                         ` Dmitry Gutov
2023-12-31 16:42                           ` Eli Zaretskii
2023-12-31 17:53                             ` Dmitry Gutov
2023-12-31 19:27                               ` Eli Zaretskii
2024-01-01  1:23                                 ` Dmitry Gutov
2024-01-01 12:07                                   ` Eli Zaretskii
2024-01-01 15:47                                     ` Dmitry Gutov
2024-01-01 16:50                                       ` Eli Zaretskii
2024-01-01 17:23                                         ` Dmitry Gutov
2024-01-01 17:39                                           ` Eli Zaretskii
2024-01-01 18:48                                             ` Dmitry Gutov
2024-01-01 19:25                                               ` Eli Zaretskii
2024-01-02  1:40                                                 ` Dmitry Gutov
2024-01-04  1:56                                                   ` Dmitry Gutov
2024-01-02 10:41                               ` Francesco Potortì
2024-01-02 13:09                                 ` Dmitry Gutov

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