Thanks for your detailed feedback. >> I don't understand your question. If we agree that there is an order >> of importance in the attributes of a font spec, and that the family is >> the most important one, it seems clear to me that keeping the family is >> more important than keeping the weight. What am I missing? > > The order on which we agreed is only about the numerical attributes: > width, height, weight, and slant. I'm asking about the other > attributes, and about their importance relative to the numerical ones. > You seem to say that this order is self-evident, and I'm questioning > that. > Okay, now I see what you mean. It is not self-evident indeed, it is the intended behavior that is visible (or at least that I see) in the existing code, and it seems to me that it is the most natural behavior, because changing the font itself, e.g. from DejaVu to Courier, has more effect / creates more visual diversity than only changing the width/height/weight/slant attributes, and in graphical user interfaces more uniformity is better than more diversity. >> I checked in particular it with the recipes of bug#37473, bug#57555, >> bug#59347 and bug#59371, and with some variants. All seem to work >> correctly. > > What about bug#51768, bug#52493, bug#52888, and the problem reported in > > bug#51768: Works as expected here, with '(default ((t (:family "Source Code Pro" :foundry "outline" :slant normal :weight medium :height 90 :width normal)))). bug#52493: Works as expected here, the Inconsolata_dz font is used and rendered correctly. But the original recipe doesn't work anymore (it does not work in Emacs 28 either), it should be :font "Inconsolata_dz" instead of :family "Inconsolata_dz". bug#52888: That bug seems unrelated to the current bug, but I see no difference in behavior between Emacs 28 and Emacs 29 with the patch. problem reported on emacs-devel: The medium weight is selected both for frames that are created by calling emacs and for frames that are created by calling emacsclient. > > Also, did you test Emacs invocation as in "emacs -fn FONT" where FONT is > specified as Fontconfig and XLFD patterns documented in the "Fonts" node > of the Emacs user manual? E.g., what happens if you use the Fontconfig > pattern such as "Sans > Serif-12:weight=black:slant=oblique:width=condensed"? -- does Emacs > start with a font with the expected attributes, both when such a font > which matches exactly exists and when an exact match doesn't exist? > emacs -Q -fn 'Sans Serif-12:slant=oblique:width=condensed' works as expected and behaves like Emacs 28: the font for the default face is a condensed and oblique variable-pitch sans serif font. emacs-28 -Q -fn 'Sans Serif-12:weight=black:slant=oblique:width=condensed' displays the same error in Emacs 28, 29, and 29 with the patch: Font 'Sans Serif-12:weight=black:slant=oblique:width=condensed' is not defined > > As I mentioned earlier, any such change must be controlled by a variable > exposed to Lisp, which could then be used to investigate and perhaps > countermand any regressions it could cause. If you agree to adding such > a variable, I'm okay with installing this on the emacs-29 branch. > Okay, so here is an updated patch. To make it easier to investigate bugs in this area, I think it makes sense to control each field separately, and also to allow unsetting other attributes, which is what the new variable does.