Got it. Thanks.
Sorry for the noise, I should've tested more to make sure it's a real bug.

发件人: Eli Zaretskii <>
发送时间: 2023年8月5日 23:30
收件人: 赵 纪阳 <>
抄送: <>
主题: Re: bug#65098: 29.1.50; treesit-query-capture in an interactive function has no effect?
tags 65098 notabug

> From: 赵 纪阳
>  <>
> Date: Sat, 5 Aug 2023 13:43:31 +0000
> I have a test function as following:
> (defun treesit-context-test-query ()
>   (interactive)
>   (treesit-query-capture (treesit-buffer-root-node) '((if_statement consequence: (_) @context.end)
> @context)))
> I expected this function would return all =if statement= in a java buffer.
> But if I invoke it from M-x, it doesn't print anything in *Message* buffer.
> If I call it from M-:(aka. eval-expression), it does print something.
> Is there a bug here? If not, how should I use it correctly? Thanks.

You need to display the value the function returns, e.g., with

There's no bug here.