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Jun 24, 2022, 17:10 by visuweshm@gmail.com:
[வெள்ளி ஜூன் 24, 2022] carlmarcos--- via "Bug reports for GNU Emacs, the Swiss army knife of text editors" wrote:
I frequently split my windows,  I usually kill the buffer using the
menu bar.  But this leaves me with the window open with some other
buffer.  Would like to request some facility to delete a window
(delete-window) using the mouse, as I frequently do for
`kill-buffer'.  Perhaps the capability could be inserted in the window
mode-line.  Where  one can usually turn off a minor-mode with the

I think mouse-3 (i.e., Right Click) on the mode-line does what you want?
However, this does not kill the buffer that shown in the window though
but should be easy enough to change (search for "mouse-delete-window" in
Was not aware of mouse-3 on mode-line.  Just need to rewove the window,
without necessarily killing the buffer.

Actually, I have noticed a problem with using mouse-3 on mode-line.  Suppose
you push mouse-3 on mode-line, the window is removed without giving me the
possibility to net remove it should I change my mind. 

It is different behaviour than for instance the mode-line options for minor-mode,
where you can decide not to take any action.