Jun 24, 2022, 17:28 by drew.adams@oracle.com:
Wouldn't one normally associate a default with
some sensible setting worth looking into most times?
Perhaps this could be a user setting.

I see. So the use case is to be able to check what
the default value is, so you can try to understand
why it's considered particularly useful.

For that, I'd think that `M-n' suffices, to see
what the default value is (the first default value,
if there are several).

Again, the default value need not even be one of
the choices (completion candidates), in the case of
lax completion (e.g. `C-x b'). I'd think that the
best way to find out what the default is would be
If not one of the choices, then there will be no indicator on any
entry in the collection. 

I think it usually takes some time to discover the `M-n' way.
(Just one opinion, and I may still be missing something.)
It is just an observation.  Another way is to depend on the designer
describing typical use if attentive enough to include that information.

I think that the suggestion could make one's acquaintance with the package
speedier if there are suggestions on well designed settings.