Hi, Some faces like 'bold, 'italic, or 'bold-italic are ignoring font rendering settings when setting a font through a font-config pattern. For example, (set-frame-font "Ubuntu Mono-12:antialias=true:lcdfilter=lcddefault" t nil) The settings antialias and lcdfilter have no effect on the aforementioned faces. Another more explicit example, ; alternating between these two lines turns on/off aliasing for the default face (set-face-font 'default "Ubuntu Mono-12:antialias=true:lcdfilter=lcddefault") (set-face-font 'default "Ubuntu Mono-12:antialias=false:lcdfilter=lcdnone") ; alternating between these two lines has no effect at all. (set-face-font 'bold "Ubuntu Mono-12:bold:antialias=true:lcdfilter=lcddefault") (set-face-font 'bold "Ubuntu Mono-12:bold:antialias=false:lcdfilter=lcdnone") It shall be noted that Xresources settings (eg: Xft.antialias) are not ignored by the aforementioned faces.