When I run 'alias' (a bash command) from within elisp I don't get list of aliases. It used to work fine, but in my latest build from git as of 2019-11-04 (4th november) it does not. Maybe it stopped to work earlier, I don't know, I was reworking my init file, so I didn't had it in for like a month or so, anyway, when I test it today I don't get the 'alias' command to work at all. It works from ansi-term, but not interactively or from an elisp script. I get message that shell command succeeds without any output. The line (shell-command "alias" "bash-aliases" "bash-errors") is part of a little script I posted on Emacs Wiki earlier this year https://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/EshellAlias. Is it a bug or do I something wrong? I am sorry, I am not an expert on Emacs, so I am a bit unsure. Best regards /a