How does the compiler check whether the Emacs has native lisp compiler?
Should I add to CFLAG or LDFLAG?

Dang Allen <> 于2020年7月23日周四 下午3:35写道:
Sure, here it is. 

# native-comp optimization
export PATH="/usr/local/opt/gnu-sed/libexec/gnubin:${PATH}"
export LDFLAGS="-L/usr/local/lib/gcc/10"
export LIBRARY_PATH="/usr/local/opt/gcc/lib/gcc/10:${LIBRARY_PATH:-}"

cd emacs || exit

git clean -xfd


CC='clang' \
     ./configure \
     --disable-silent-rules \
     --with-ns \
     --disable-ns-self-contained \
     --with-cairo \
     --with-modules \
     --with-nativecomp \
     --with-xml2 \
     --with-gnutls \
     --with-json \

# Ensure the directory to which we will dump Emacs exists and has the correct
# permissions set.
if [ ! -d $libexec ]; then
  sudo mkdir -p $libexec
  chown $USER $libexec

make distclean
make -j 4
make install
rm -rf "/Applications/"
mv nextstep/ "/Applications/"
cp -R lisp "/Applications/"

Andrea Corallo <> 于2020年7月23日周四 下午3:30写道:
I think the interesting line is:

"  Does Emacs have native lisp compiler?                   no"

The output does not include the command issued.  I you are running a
script could you please run it with -x and report it again?

Alternatively you can also attach the script you are using to compile if
you wish.

I'm interested in having a look at the configure invocation.
