Yes, it works! Both programmatically with (setq default-frame-alist '((width . 120) (height . 33))) and "fooling around" with the mouse ;-) /PA El lun, 22 feb 2021 a las 12:33, Alan Third () escribió: > On Mon, Feb 22, 2021 at 12:19:14PM +0100, PEDRO ANDRES ARANDA GUTIERREZ > wrote: > > My stupid… I meant the toolbar and have been able to track it down > > on trying to disabling it > > > > Attaching a compressed log from a forced exit after emacs -Q and > > hide toolbar from menu > > It looks like it's in the call to redisplay in viewWillDraw. > > Does resizing work OK? Like, grabbing the corner of the window and > waving it about for a few seconds? > -- > Alan Third > -- --- PEDRO ANDRES ARANDA GUTIERREZ Universidad Carlos III de Madrid "Fragen sind nicht da um beantwortet zu werden. Fragen sind da, um gestellt zu werden" Georg Kreisler