Ok, I tried using "sqlcmd" instead of "osql" and the problem remains. Also tried using MySQL instead of MS-SQL-Server to see if I could reproduce the problem, and it has a similar problem, doesn't show any results to any query I write, but doesn't spit the "Wrong type argument: stringp, nil" message. So the problem is not the executable program used to talk to the database. I'm still beating to a problem in sql.el. Thanks for your help! 2017-05-29 17:50 GMT-04:00 Nikolay Kudryavtsev < nikolay.kudryavtsev@gmail.com>: > Oh, sorry for the cp866 suggestion, my bad, cp850 is probably right for > you. > > If you're using osql, can you try switching to sqlcmd? Osql had been > considered deprected by Microsoft for many years. Sqlcmd is freely > downloadable and should be usable with any more or less modern version of > SQL Server. The configuration for it that I use looks like this: > > (setq sql-ms-program "sqlcmd" > sql-ms-options (quote ("-W" "-s" "|" "-I"))) > > > -- > Best Regards, > Nikolay Kudryavtsev > >