On 30 May 2013 20:28, Eli Zaretskii wrote: > [Why private email?] > No reason at all, that was a mistake, I apologise. I hope you don't mind me forwarding this to the list. > > Date: Thu, 30 May 2013 20:14:35 +0100 > > From: Richard Copley > > > > > > c:\>dir /B c:\emacs > > > > emacs-111818 > > > > emacs-112125 > > > > emacs-112416 > > > > site-lisp > > > > > > You can still have separate directories like that, unless I'm missing > > > something. The directory structure below emacs-NNNNNN directories > > > will be different, but that's all. > > > > > > > Also the site-lisp directory will not be on the load-path. > > Your site-lisp won't, but the one in ROOT/share/emacs will. > > > I'm not actively using more than one build. > > Then why do you need separate trees? That's the only reason why you > need the site-lisp outside of the Emacs tree. Use the Posix-standard > structure and one root for all the Emacs installations, and the > problem is gone, because you have the common site-lisp directory in > ROOT/share/emacs. > > > > it should be easy to create a simple script that, given a root > > > directory and a version, will delete the subdirectories that belong to > > > that version only. There aren't too many directories to delete, > > > basically libexec/emacs/VERSION and share/emacs/VERSION. That, and > > > the emacs-VERSION*.exe executables in bin/. > > > > > > Did I miss something? > > > > > > > With the uninstallation? No idea. It's ok, there's no way I'll be doing > > that. > > You mean, you will never uninstall? Then why do you keep the versions > separate? > > > > The new structure has advantages which I described in that mail in > > > March. > > > > (1) You're the first one I know about who thinks that's important. > > Well, maybe I'm the only one who works on so many platforms. > > > (2) is wrong. > > It's not wrong as long as you keep all the installations under the > same root, like /usr/local on Unix. > > > (3) I don't follow. Other platforms, really? > > Yes. Imagine that your --prefix is on a networked volume that can be > accessed from Windows and Unix systems alike. Then only the > architecture-dependent files (binaries) need to be separate; > everything under %emacs_dir%/share/emacs/ can be installed only once > and used by Emacs from any OS. >