> I have no experience with Chromebooks.

I am willing to send you $100 in cash, if you wish, if you buy a Chromebook, and if you send me a postal address to which to send the $100.  In Austin, I had good luck with 'Best Buy'.
I am laughing at this!  I wonder if it has ever happened before that a user has offered to buy a bug reporting service a computer.  Chromebooks can cost a lot of money, for which one no doubt gets a lot.  But  I bought the cheapest I could possibly find in order to help make ACL2 available to all students in the world, who are mainly using Chromebooks.  I have put up on my working directory


under ./acl2 the acl2 source, coded by J Moore and Matt Kaufmann, and 16 gigabytes of proofs that ACL2 generates.  Many folks have contributed the theorems.

Thanks so much.  I very, very much want to get RMAIL working on my Chromebook.

Tell me what to try next.


On Mon, Feb 19, 2024 at 2:06 PM Philip Kaludercic <philipk@posteo.net> wrote:
Robert Boyer <robertstephenboyer@gmail.com> writes:

> Dear Philip,
>> Have you configured anything regarding email in Emacs?
> No sir, nothing.  Can I help try something?

I have this in my init.el, perhaps it could give you some hints:

(setopt user-mail-address "philipk@posteo.net"
        send-mail-function #'smtpmail-send-it
        smtpmail-smtp-server "posteo.de"
        smtpmail-stream-type 'starttls
        smtpmail-smtp-service 587)

> Do not underestimate how dumb I am.
> It is my 'feeling' that on my $100 Lenovo Chromebook, with its utterly
> superb Emacs,
> RMAIL cannot send email to anyone I can imagine sending it to.  Which is
> why I have so chauvinistically suggested 'made in China', e.g., Lenovo, may
> have something to do with the matter!  But that is another of my sick jokes.
> I used RMAIL as my only emailer for decades, but switched to gmail because
> RMAIL was losing on 'attachments'.  I now love gmail.  It is one part of
> the proof that Google is the greatest company that has ever existed. gmail
> is free.  space seems unlimited. I am so insignificant that I do not give a
> damn whether Google looks at my mail or not. My lifelong email motto is:
> when sending email, always imagine that it is cced to letters at NYT.
> Heavens knows that spooks look at all email, unless one uses 'signal ' or
> something like that.  In Europe, the government is suing signal to force
> them to change their ultra secret ways.  I have tried to use 'signal' and
> enjoyed it, but am now scared to use it any more; don't want to get sued.
> Have you guys tried RMAIL on Chromebooks?  Only costs $100 to buy one.
> There are a huge number of Chromebooks in the world, and one can get, and
> enjoy Emacs, with a mere one line command 'sudo apt-get install emacs',
> after one has installed Linux, which of course must always be called 'Gnu
> Linux', or you might rightly get email from rms.  To my astonishment, the
> installation of Linux was about the easiest thing I could imagine.

I have no experience with Chromebooks.

> With the highest imaginable love of Emacs,
> Bob
> On Mon, Feb 19, 2024 at 8:38 AM Philip Kaludercic <philipk@posteo.net>
> wrote:
>> Robert Boyer <robertstephenboyer@gmail.com> writes:
>> >> Sounds like some problem with your email setup.
>> >
>> > I am sure you are right.
>> >
>> >  However, I do not have the slightest idea what you are talking about.
>> Have you configured anything regarding email in Emacs?

Anything I seem to state should be taken as a question.  I am at least 77 and feeble.