I found a bug recently where, when using Enchant as the back-end for ispell.el, spellchecking was locking up for some languages.

This turned out to be the combination of two problems.

First, ispell-find-enchant-dictionaries was incorrectly merging ispell-dictionary-base-alist into its result. This caused the ispell-set-spellchecker-params to fail to add the correct "-d LANG" flag arguments to the list of dictionaries that it used to start Enchant, which in turn meant that the process was started as e.g.

enchant-2 -d francais # rather than -d fr_FR

and failed to start properly. I have fixed this by simply removing the incorrect code (patch 0003 attached).

Secondly, ispell.el failed to notice that it had not actually started an Enchant process, and hung while trying to read from it in ispell-accept-output. I fixed this by testing that the process is live before trying to read from or write to it (patch 0002 attached).

Finally, while reading the source code I found an ancient comment that is more of a commit message in spirit (it explains how the current code came to be that way, rather than explaining something about how it works), so I removed it (patch 0001 attached).

As usual with my infrequent patches, I would appreciate other eyes on them before I install them, if possible. I remain an active user of ispell with Enchant, though, so I will give them plenty of manual testing. Thanks in advance!
