I have the following .dir-locals.el for a project: ((nil . ((show-trailing-whitespace . nil) (eval . (c-add-style "fontforge" '("stroustrup" (indent-tabs-mode . t) (tab-width . 8) (c-offsets-alist (case-label . *))))))) (c-mode . ((c-file-style . "fontforge")))) The idea is to define a new c-style and apply it to all files in that project. When I first visit a file under that project, I get the error: "Undefined style: fontforge" When I examine c-style-alist, "fontforge" is the first entry, and when I look at c-file-style for that buffer, its value is "fontforge". However, as the error implies, the style has not been applied to that buffer: if I check the value of indent-tabs-mode, which I have configured globally to "nil", it is still nil. If I then run M-x c-set-style RET fontforge RET, the style is applied as expected. Hence, it appears my error has to do with the order of evaluation. I tried putting the "eval" sexp under the "c-mode" section of the .dir-locals.el, but that still gives the same error, even when I put it before the c-file-style sexp. I can't find anything about this in the manual, or online (i.e. examples where the result of an "eval" entry are relied on by another entry). In hack-local-variables-apply files.el I found this bit of code: ;; Any 'evals must run in the Right sequence. (setq file-local-variables-alist (nreverse file-local-variables-alist)) so I tried putting the "eval" part at the end of c-mode's list, but that didn't help either. (I checked file-local-variables-alist in each case to make sure that in one the eval was before c-file-style, and in the other, after). Can someone please set me straight? -- http://rrt.sc3d.org